Cheating hackers

you laugh but a HS group I was in be for I left they got one to work

I had screenshots and send them all to Blizzard and Blizzard Ignored me about it

With your forum history there is nothing to wonder at.

well their is because my history normally turn out be right weeks,days or year latter then do a I told you so and no one happy about something could of been avoided super easy like I predicted DH and fact it be op on day 1 but everyone ignore me and I got a I told you so

in end if people hear me out and not be toxic we could save a lot time and future problems from happening

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It happens daily. The cheating is rampant and nothing will ever be done about it. Iā€™m serious, play the game. There are 2 types of players in this game, those who get cheated and those who lie about not getting cheated.


It happens to me too, maybe 1 out of 50 games. By my logic, this shouldnā€™t really be possible because itā€™s the Blizzard server that manages your connection.
But I encountered several opponents against whom I start disconnecting for no reason during my turns. And if thereā€™s such a cheating technique going on, most of these opponents betray it by continuously dropping a whole lot of ā€œWell playedā€ or such emotes, right from the start of the game.
Also, every time I encounter such opponents, I cannot concede either because if I do, the game stays like frozen forever, so I just have to restart the app, thatā€™s why I never even got the chance to send any friend requests to these people.

Thatā€™s a cheesy way to instantly lose some games in d5-d1 that could possibly take me to legend.

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There are people out there who hacked a 5 year old game while being a part of the community cause it got popular after barely having more than a few thousand people across all platforms and being considered dead by many. Now take that into account and how many people play HS.

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ockhamā€™s razor gottem chief.

The reason is clearly written in the gameā€™s logs: it is ā€œarray index out of boundsā€ error. Team 5 has too many designers and too little programmers.

I can certainly see how folks think there are hackers. Iā€™ll be facing someone who seems to be able to hover over cards as though theyā€™re fine, while my gameā€™s going bonkers. Probably just lag.

I think Iā€™d be asking for a refund from your internet provider. Explain to them how your connection is not secured and somehow compromised to allow others to force you to get disconnected.

I donā€™t really believe Iā€™m being hacked. I should call my internet provider and complain about my bad connection, honestly. :stuck_out_tongue:


Good luck finding that sort of game. I guess you will stop playing hearthstone now?

I would have thought the same way. However, today my mind has been changed. I was playing someone who used three of the same card in the match. The card was Blessing of Authority. I always thought you could only use two of the same card in a deck. So I thought something was super fishy! I wrote down the name of the player but what good does that do?

Any Discover effect or card creation effect can lead to having more than 2 of a card in a game, the restriction is only put on the deck while being built in the collection window.

P.S. Darn, I answered to an old threat that was necroā€™d five month after it finally died, sheesh.

Well if its worth it, I appreciate your answer!

There are two spell discover options, and a minion which recasts the last spell.

Even if this was an actual vulnerability being exploited, Blizzard isnā€™t going to do anything unless it is widespread or gets a lot of attention. Why? Because it costs money to pay employees to spend on this. They donā€™t even QA decently anymore by the looks of it, they release content and there are obvious bugs that people encounter the first day.

Did they play Lady Liadrin?

There are many ways to make it possible for paladins to replay spells more than twice.

The only thing I can think about is they turn on their VPN mid-game. Itā€™s no coincidence, I believe. I get disconnected in MID-GAME, and when they are loosing. Always in mid-game. Says ā€œplayful spritesā€ etc etc ā€œno internet connectionā€ (but there is)

there is a way to report, right in game as a matter of factā€¦ somewhere around where friends list isā€¦ I only did it once, so I forget right nowā€¦ But I found it, when I opposed a botā€¦