Chaos of creation did not delete all cards

I am playing the whizbang experimental warlock and have about 4 cards left, some of which were plagues shuffled in by my opponent. I play chaos of creation which then deleted my cards still left in the deck but instead of deleting the plagues, it drew them, causing me to take damage from both the plagues and the fatigue and of course it reshuffled said plagues back in my deck instead of destroying it, messing up further interaction with some of the cards and costing me the game.

From replies I’ve seen of such reports it’s most likely that chaos creation first deleted a furnace fuel

  • your opponent has palyed helya
  • cards in your deck are, in order : furnace fuel, then plagues
  • play chaos creation, it identifies the card to destroy then proceeds to destroy them 1 by 1
  • first card deleted is furnace fuel, as soon as it is deleted, it draws, making you draw plagues and shuffling new ones in the deck
  • chaos creation continues to delete the remaining card it has identified
  • since the plagues in your deck are not the ones it identified, they won’t be deleted. Based on how it works it’s also possible that they are only shuffled in the deck after the resolution of chaos creation

This is how it has been explained on other topics, not sure if this behavior is intended though