Chameleos ▪

If non-golden chameleos transforms into golden chameleos in opponent hand, then it becomes golden itself and start to transform into only golden cards, even if in opponent hand its not golden.

That is something new. Never seen that one before.

And this part is correct. A golden card will always generate other golden cards. For example, if you have a Golden Thoughtsteal, you would get 2 golden cards from your opponents deck. Regardless if your opponent has golden cards or not. On the other hand, if you have non-golden Thoughtsteal, and you opponent does have a Golden card in his deck, then you can get one card as golden, and another one as non-golden.

I know that golden cards generate only gold. But my chameleos is not golden. Why it start turning non-golden cards into golden ones?

My guess would be because your non-golden one became golden when it transformed from your opponents one. And since it became golden, then any other transformation is also golden.

Since this is pretty rare thing to happen, it is possible that it was behaving this way since chameleos was released, and no one simply noticed this.

Ya, that is very rare thing. I play chameleos in my deck for a long time - since it’s release, and this is the first time that i’ve seen that behaviour.

How it happened - i played against another priest and he casted golden mind visions, that has added a golden chameleos to his hand. Next turn my chameleos transforms into that golden chameleos and since then it started acting like a golden chameleos, although he is not golden.

Dunno. That behaviour looks like a bug to me.

Any effect that interacts with a Golden card (ie: copies, generates, transforms, etc), the result will also be Golden and subsequent changes will be Golden as well. It’s like the Midas Touch.


I wrote it several times, but maybe you did not notice. So again: my chameleos is not golden.

Your Chameleos wasn’t gold, but the card that inherited its power was. Chameleos is transformed into the minion it copies. If it copies Gruul, you aren’t holding Chameleos any longer. You are actually holding Gruul, just with an extra enchantment that gives it the power of Chameleos as well. If that Gruul is golden, then you’re holding a golden minion with the power of Chameleos.

A non-gold minion that becomes a copy of a golden minion becomes a golden minion. A golden minion that becomes a copy of a non-gold minion remains a golden minion. Golden cards are contagious, and your shifting card picked it up.


Jetz is correct. Golden cards are contagious and will convert the non-golden Chameleos into a golden one.


That’s the word I was looking for! I was going to say it’s like a ‘plague’, but that wasn’t quite right.

So back then, when chameleos inherits abilities of cards it transforms into, it was a bug that was fixed. And now you tell me that it working as intended. Since when did you change your mind?

Again, if a card interacts (copies, transforms, etc) with a Golden card, that card becomes Golden and stays Golden. There’s no bug here.

Anywho, it really doesn’t matter, since Golden and non-golden cards are just visual effects. A Golden Fireball will do as much damage as a non-golden Fireball.

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