Can you genius improve the matching algorithm?

People have a hard time accepting that skill has a lot less to do with this game than they say it does. Its like that is an ego hit because it means they are not as good as they like to imply they are.

Judging from how many people (not this case) come here to say that after getting to platinum/diamond they can’t win anymore, I think there is a skill cap somewhere.

It’s not very high compared to other games like chess, but there is indeed something else other than luck

I’d say the opposite is true. People having a hard time accepting responsibility for their inability to gain ranks because it’s easier to blame such bogeymen as “RNG fiesta” or “rigged matchmaking.”

Everyone accepts that Hearthstone has an RNG element, which means that the better player sometimes loses, but as with any card game, this evens itself out over many games. No one would say poker is an unskilled game, yet there are plenty of videos online of some of the best poker players in the world getting destroyed in hands by novices hitting one outers on the river or calling blinds with a dead hand only to hit the nuts on the flop. Even so, over thousands of hands, the better players win a lot more chips than they lose because of consistent good decision making. CCGs are really no different. A diamond 5 ranked player might beat a professional player in a game of Hearthstone occasionally because they hit an insane curve and the opponent opened weak, but if you ran the same game 100 times, assuming an even matchup, the professional player is going to win >75% of the time.


No matter how intellectual some try to sound you will never convince a reasonable person that hearthstone is a “skill game”. It is a rigged RNG fest with horrible card design and garbage matchmaking. The difference between Diamond 5 and Legend is how many games you want to play. skill does not make you a legend, the amount of keyboard time you spend does. That’s horrible game design.

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bro i swear these sweatlords

but matchmaking pits you against similar “MMR” people no matter which rank you are currently. Therefore, if you reached legend last months, you play vs people who reached it as well, even if you are in Bronze?

So why bronze through gold is smooth sailing, but then walls start to apprear @ plat and diamond, if it’s the same MMR people you play against?

This forum is so confused. First they say that you are matched vs similar MMR players, then they say the algorithm isn’t rigged, and when you hit a wall - it’s a “skill issue” :rofl:

Classic coping.

Says you.

This whole thread is people who can’t accept they can lose without external factors.

Sorry to break your bubble guys, but statistically, chances are you are average at your best.
That’s not a problem. It’s sad that people get so worked up in their delusions tho.

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where is the odds calculation?

Not gonna do it for ya. Go back to elementary math and calculate for yourself the chances of an opponent having any single card in their hand by turn 7.

as expected :rofl:


not only you have no idea about what you’re talking about, you’re just spewing toxic nonsense, but you even failed to understand which odds have to be calculated.

extra cringe

I don’t know where you assume someone is average just because they disagree with your assessment of the games skill level. That’s a pretty arrogant assumption.

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you …want to climb ranked ladder

WITHOUT playing the game…

Hi, so yes, this is quite easily explained. Your MMR at the end of the season dictates your star bonus when the new season begins.

For example I’ll typically finish the season between rank 1,000 and 500, and when the new season begins I will receive 9 stars per win at Bronze rank (doubled for a win streak) and lose 1 star per loss. So while my opponents are also going to be last season’s legend players, each one that I beat is worth beating 9 Bronze MMR players.

The star bonus gradually diminishes at higher ranks but finishing top 2k you’ll generally still get 2 stars per win after diamond 5, so players with high MMR can reach legend with a relatively poor win rate (although their actual legend rank will suffer if they lose a majority of games on the way) because the star bonus accounts for the fact that they are playing against players of a higher calibre throughout the climb.

That makes no sense whatsoever. Are you drinking?

you pretty much said you climb if you play the game…


Most people are just average.

If you say so, lmao.

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thats…how ranked matchmaking works they have to match people as close tot heir rank as possible…no idea why would anyone want randomly matchamking players

So, you want them to rig the matchmaking in your favor ?!

Because right now it’s completely random.

Also, I’d be willing to bet all these threads from new users are all from RayRay’s countless alt accounts.

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It is not completely random. Why would you tell that lie? Random does not exist in this game. Hahaha and I don’t have any alts sadly. Its a good idea though.

If you did, you certainly wouldn’t admit to it.

I guess that will have to remain a mystery.