BUG: Thaddius + Amorphous slime + Chaotic consumption no sum

Hi all,

I’m playing an undeath warlock deck and using combo in subject get me to a bug that make me play nothing more in that turn… even target arrow after that combo is bugged, nothing can be done. How to reproduce the bug:

  1. Get in your hand Thaddius + Chatotic consumption + Amorphous slime
  2. play Amorphous slime and let it discard Thaddius
  3. play Chaotic consumption on Amorphous slime
  4. crash… Thaddius is not on board now and any kind of moves is blocked (even logging out and reconnecting to game is the same).

Already repaired the game and every time I play this combo it does the same. Any other has this bug?

I saw there’s a similar bug with “Shallow grave” magic reported here, this is not the same, but kinda similar. This deck is now unplayable until fixed…

I encounter the same bug.

Cannot do anything after playing chaotic consumption, red arrow blocks everything, relogging says: cannot reconnect to your game.

Very annoying, since I just crafted 2x chaotic consumption with my last dust…

Every streamer out there can play chaotic consumption, but not me …

Oooooh I just figured it out, I am sooo stupid!

I thought it said random enemy, but the ‘red arrow that blocks everything’, makes you select an enemy minion LOL.

It’s not a bug, its working, my brain is just not working, sorry Blizzard!

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