Bronze right now

“Can’t lose stars at this level”

…what in the world is going on this month? I’m a 9-star right now, been D1-3 the past 4 months, and I’m ~8/9 losses to start the season. It’s all primo top diamond meta decks right now and most have the legend card back…

…I get that the start of the month is usually super competitive, but you can usually get away with playing some fun decks to start a month until around platinum.

Is HS just that tryhard right now? Yeesh…

While you have stars you are playing against people of your MMR, not actual bronze players.


I don’t think that’s correct, my one win actually only came from a clearly new player, scout rank, didn’t really know what was going on.

This is whack but I dont’ really want to give up on the early-season meme decks yet…usually it’s like an hourish to plat. Never experienced anything like this season and we’re 3 days in!

It is correct. As long as your star multiplier is above 1, you get matched by MMR and not rank. It says so explicitly in the Ranked FAQ:

Q: How does matchmaking work for each season?

A: There are two matchmaking pools: matchmaking by rating (aka. MMR) and by rank.

When your star bonus multiplier is bigger than 1, or you are in Legend rank, you are (generally) in the first matchmaking pool; when your star bonus drops to 1, you are in the second pool.

Crazy…not sure how i got matched up against a new player then. Strange.

Thanks, it’s rough out there it seems :confused:

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Yeah, MMR star bonus is still active. When you are at Bronze 10, you can play someone who is sitting at Legend.

A way to check this is to wait until the month is almost over then start climbing. Friend request the first few matches. You’ll be amazed at what rank they are at.

I understand the theory, but it’s a bit defeatist haha. I think D1-3 most seasons is about as competitive/same skill as low-level legend, just people with a bit less time like myself.

I usually go with fel spell damage dh/off-meta quest priest to get all the players playing pirate warr/face hunter/beast druid/etc, but something this month seems different than the past year or so.

Man Kazakusan/this current meta really needs to go…