Breaking into Platinum and higher

Typically I play enough games per day to complete whatever my daily quests are. I only play ranked and make sure I am always playing tier 1 or in a pinch tier 2 decks that I think will do well in the current meta. I started april with 6 stars per win and I just kept playing decks that were doing well on hsreplay and that eventually carried me to peaking at diamond 2 most seasons

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I’ve been consistently going Diamond, and what I can tell you for certain is that you need to expand how many decks you are playing.

Although I’ve settled on a Priest deck for this meta, I still sport my Rogue Galakrond and Mage Box decks, if even for a change of pace. But I’ve made decks for just about every class. Unfortunately regardless of the season there will be certain classes with advantages, so you will tend to see an excess of certain classes and decks each season.

You should consider what you like and dislike about each of these decks that give you a lot of trouble. Honestly, what gave me the greatest capacity to win was making the decks that I hated and thought were overpowered and ran and got destroyed playing them for a good while as I discovered what their weaknesses were the hard way. Quite a few of the strongest decks require a lot of knowledge of both your and your opponent’s decks. Each game I’m expecting certain cards and plays and counter-plays from every deck I see. I’m far more surprised by anyone playing low-value or different from net deck cards (and appreciate it, as I try to make sure I have my own spice in my decks, but you can’t avoid following certain deck builds).

Also, if you are losing a lot or getting frustrated, take a break. Truly. Even just a few minutes to walk off some of the agitation. Smashing that play button can be really bad for your mental health if you’re in a losing streak. Give yourself a moment and realize this is not a super-competitive game. I come here when I’m taking a break from shooters or other twitch-reflex games. This game is meant to be a bit silly and not as hardcore. Take that to heart and it will down you less if and when you lose.

Anyway, best of luck with this bud.

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honestly the best thing you can do for climbing is play till a loss (unless the game you lost was so interesting that you didnt get mad at all) and after the loss do something else for how ever long it takes you to get out of your own

after that i recommend making at least 3 decks (preferably different arch-types) this will help with the burn out and if your rank’s meta is currently countering your main deck

Thanks folks, very helpful information!

What does HH stand for in this case? I’m not recognizing the acronym.

Highlander Hunter

I have played this game quite casually for quite a few years now. Since old gods. I never made it past about rank 12 in the old system but I just didn’t play enough games. I decided to make a serious push for legend and a 500 won portrait which i finally got a few days ago. I am currently diamond 2, highest I’ve ever been.

  1. Over the last 40 days I am 170 wins and 78 losses with the same deck.

  2. Usually after 5 losses max in a row i stop for the day. Tilt is real.

  3. I decided this time around to spend all of my dust and craft just one deck and play it exclusively. I know it pretty in and out now. Highlander Hunter.

I would add a 4th bulletpoint to this. Something I saw many others advise was to learn the meta. I didn’t really understand this until I made this push. Knowing the common decks and what they are likely to play on any given turn helps immensely.

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Back before the ranked rework, I would play ladder for about half an hour to an hour a day to break through, and would probably get disappointed and quit if I hit three losses in a row. That sucked, but then I paid attention to what meta decks are out there and I finally hit rank 3.

With the ranked rework, I was grandfathered into being in high platinum (5 to 2), so I don’t have to work nearly that much anymore. Now that my card pool has significantly increased and I’m playing more serious decks, I’m only spending a couple to a few hours a month to get a cushy Diamond 10-5 rank by the last couple of days into the season.

When you’re new, it sucks. When you finally hit your goal, it gets easier from there, but you have to maintain your rank every month or else it’s back to the grindfest for you.

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