Blizzard just banned 500,000 bots in 3 days

Completely agree with the bots vs bots option is the best

Assuming that it is possible to detect at least some bots before they finish their life cycle and that these accounts will be used by streamers, they could flag the account (not ban) and when that account is playing with god tier deck in arena, after a few wins, a message would appear showing the number of retirements or something that could make it possible for viewers to identify that the streamer is using a bot account.
Maybe that could make streamers reluctant to use purchased accounts?

What eldritch sorcery permitted this three-character post???

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No, because the viewers enjoy watching botted overpowered arena drafts which is partly why the demand for them is so high

Chinese psychology, ikr


Wonder why they just don’t turn on the rigger machine and make it so that people with botlike names always get garbage drafts. The bots are making them lose money from paid Arenas so why isn’t the rigging machine on for them? Could it be that no such rigging machine exists?


Nah their audiences already know

I know the trick but I’m too lazy to do it

As usual it’s not quite that the rigging machine doesn’t exist, it’s the Blizzard doesn’t control the rigging machine and it’s instead been captured by black market gold farmers

Why would an account continue to be botted after it’s been sold for the purpose of running an arena, and even more so after the arena run has been completed.

It is precisely this mindset that has caused America to lose every recent battle: they simply bash everything in their way, ignoring the true cause. It’s not that they lack the knowledge of how to address it; rather, they are unwilling to solve it.

I don’t know enough about the process of making a bot to know what would be feasible there. Like, if they made them come from tavern brawl (optional, obviously) would that work because it changes every week?

Or they could make the drafting process different so that a bot can’t do it well?

However, I think one solution would be to just have a cumulative ladder that never resets and doesn’t care about win rate. So if you’ve played 10 arena runs, win or lose, you’re never matched up with an account that has zero matches. You could even get fancy and “rank” players on the number of drafts taken vs arena matches played.

It wouldn’t. That’s why a ban at that point does nothing

So if the account has stopped being botted, how has it been identified as a bot?
Is blizzard having a long backlog of untreated bot report?

But Blizzard has the patent for the rigger. All they have to do is wave that paper at them and they will stop.

I’m going to guess that, yes, they do, since they seem to be announcing bans in waves. It probably takes a lot of work to try to isolate the bots from players that might have bot-like playing habits

I can tell all here that after playing on a x3 Bonus Stars account after the stars were done it’s all bots again. It’s good that they are doing something but there is still more to be done.

It wouldn’t, which is my point. Blizzard is banning accounts that were bots but are already past the end of their lifecycle, which accomplishes nothing.

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Oh is that all. Excuse me while I go to my printer, I’m going to single-handedly stop the Mexican cartels now

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But how? How such botting account has been detected if it’s no longer being played on the ladder?

Only works for the Blizzard rigging patent for that patent is all powerful.