Blizzard hires and uses psychologists to design Hearthstone

I don’t know. It doesn’t say. You’re just guessing that they’re being hired for the bad thing that you assume they’ll be hired to do.

Again, do you assume the same for other professions? When they hire engineers, it must be so that they can help break things; when they hire doctors, it’s so they can better poison and kill people, etc.

The lady who was looking at slot machine tones whose research was used to allege psychologists are about gambling in the games?

She actually works at the Army proving ground working on human->Robot interfaces, so clearly…

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Depends on who’s hiring.

A clinic that hires a psychologist is not the same as a casino hiring a psychologist.

The former likely works under strict rules and, one assumes, is there to help a patient.

A casino or gaming company involved in loot boxes hiring a psychologist, involves more nefarious activities. When the only driving force is profits, it comes at the cost of the well-being of players.

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I really wish you would stop talking as though you have any inkling of an understanding of what a psychologist is or isn’t and what we do and don’t do.

You do understand that the persons who work at a casino likely have near zero training in psychotherapies and have never seen patients in their career?

Also, the people who work on computer/human interfaces aren’t therapists either. They may not even be members of the APA (gasp)!

We all believe something. For what it’s worth, I am married to one. I studied computer science (the psychology campus at KUL is a stone throw away from the computer science campus).

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In other words, it depends on your biased against certain companies.

I could easily say a ship building company involves more “nefarious activities”, since ships can sink, can crash, can be armed with weapons, can be used to smuggle illegal things (including people). Oh I got it! They can run a casino on a ship, sail to international waters to avoid pesky local laws on gambling. Very evil, those ship builders. Very disturbing, if they ever hire engineers…

I could even say a clinic is nefarious. Are they pro life or pro choice? For or against euthanasia? Stem cell research? View/Treatment of transgender people? Homosexuals? I bet it’s whichever one you don’t like. Any doctor they hire there would be doing nefarious things that promote the position you don’t like!

Except profits come from players, so company harming the well-being of their players is actually harming their own profits.

Evil isn’t stupid (which is why they win, because good is dumb ::high five for the Space Balls reference::slight_smile:

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I can’t help it.
I’m addicted.
See what I did there?

They employ psychologists, too, btw. Have to get people addicted to ships. Many of those are rigged, too.

Used “addiction” as a useful crutch?

can you stop with your Q 'anon topic? You are annoying.

Or to make games good and engaging. You only judged them like this based on bad reputation and history, which is kinda fallacious.

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20 characters required

You’re a dour man, Max.
It’s probably why I’m in love with you.

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as much as i think a psych degree is useless, your job descriptions (the few that are posted, anyway) literally contradict you. and btw, i highly doubt corporations just blatantly post clear indications that they’re hiring addiction experts; even if they were hiring psychologists for addictive gameplay, they’d be subtle about it.

but anyway, human-computer interaction isn’t lootboxes; you don’t need a computer for that. it could be as simple as designing a better UI for players to use, or providing, say, the shop button bigger to lure more players to buying packs or something. or it could be making certain gamemodes, functions, etc. more desirable.

every corporation hires psychologists. if your product involves human interaction, however minimal, you utilize pyschology because it helps predict interactions and design products accordingly. even more so when your produt demands marketing.

this isn’t to say they don’t have pyschologists working on microtransactions, but for one thing, micro-transactions are largely all the same, they’re mostly ideas from the business/marketing section and less from the researchers (researchers would be researching the effects after the game has been made, which isn’t really helpful before the game has being made).

Wooooaaahhhh, video game company hires individuals specialised in human behaviour to increase spending. Who would have thought employing people who can help to make the game more appealing would be something a company would do, that’s disgusting and insane.


the argument is that the main reason to hire psychologists is to make games addictive

fixed it for max, what’s your response?

Depends on who’s hiring.

A clinic that hires a psychologist is not the same as a casino hiring a psychologist.

absolutely right. cuz as we’ve seen in scrubs, the janitors hospitals hire are evil, but janitors schools hire aren’t. (im being mocking you).

but anyway you have no correlation which means you have even less causation. there are plenty of other reasonable explanations for hiring psychologists, and the so-called altruistic places that hire psychologists could also be hiring psychologists for malicious reasons as well, just haven’t implemented them.

all you’ve done is demonstrate your own confirmation bias. a lot of it, in fact.

To be quite honest, I don’t really serious issues about psychologists being hired to design Hearthstone. As a matter of fact, I think it’s a good thing that there are psychologists involved with the game.
One of the things that this community has prided itself on for years has been their vocal community. When the community doesn’t like the changes that were implemented to the game, they give the devs an earful so that nerfs can be made.
Sure, Hearthstone is a Collectible Card Game, and there is an aspect of collecting the cards you want. However, the psychologists involved with the game know that there should be a personal investment to making games like this (such as creating rank floors/ceilings to chart personal progress), and frustrations are going to mount when the community feels that the changes are going at a snail’s pace. Methinks that is the reason that both Ben Brode and Jeff Kaplan were both let go, because both dragged their knuckles when it was necessary for a change to be implemented. With the comparison between Ben Brode’s departure and Jeff Kaplan’s departure, you can see both sides of the coin - how the former can show how a game can be quickly corrected with the right changes implemented, and what can happen when someone who has allowed their game to flounder and shield the toxic community that is causing the game’s decline.
More than likely, this was more than likely why Jeff Kaplan is no longer at Blizzard. More than likely, Blizzard made the call to assign psychologists to help develop Overwatch, and Kaplan got a hair in his @$$ because he didn’t want Overwatch to be corrected, he wanted the toxic community that has festered in the game since around 2017.

Well I think it’s highly possible that because they have such a big work force that they have staff who need counselling, they would probably use them to assist in recruitment of personnel, they possibly even might be looking at their staff motivation. Do they need to pay someone a lot of money for someone who understands that kind of human behaviour? Perhaps not if I’m honest, I’ve always thought any human with good interaction skills can fulfill the roll of a psychologist. I’ve also forcefully studied a few of these psychology subjects in university and they were horribly theoretical based (waste of my time imo).

I believe your findings Aurelie. The contrarians are here only to… well, discredit and be contrary because any fact finding you do, dampens the very thing they love… Hearthstone.

I believe you DO know what you’re saying.