BLADESTORM isn't working

I just used bladestorm on a 50 hp + minion and it just dealt 50 dmg and then stopped, lost 2 games already because of this and i see that there are more people complaining about it, please fix it, thank you.

It is not a bug. It’s intended

The damage of this spell is capped at 50.

This is not a bug.

There is many limitation like this to avoid infinite (or very long) turn.

I know that, but then cap it at 200 or 100, 50 is just too low.

I am inclined to agree, but this is the bug report forum, not a suggestion box. You could try another section of this forum, but you’d be more likely to reach the devs somewhere like twitter or reddit

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I supposed it was a “bug” because i don’t think that bladestorm should work that way, so maybe it was a mistake, but i understand what you’re saying and you’re right, thank you for the replies.

this is in fact a bug

if the card says it goes tell the minion dies, and the minion doesnt die

thats a bug