Avatar of Hearthstone lol

At first I thought it opens actual packs you bought (but didn’t open) so you have to buy a pack every game you want to trigger this lol.

But it actually opens “pretend” packs.

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In the very opening of the Video. There’s a dwarf King on a Palanquin with a book open in front of him. THAT is the book of grudges. They read from it during the battle to whip the dwarves into a frenzy retelling all the wrongs done to them through the ages. Dwarves do not EVER let go of a grudge.

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Now I need to gouge out my brain

Where is spoon again?

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I had to this meme - Warning dry humour incoming :smiley:

Aggro, Control, Combo Milling.

Long aggo all the archetypes lived together in harmony then everything changed when the Mill decks entered the meta.

Only the Avatar Master of all expansions and packs could stop them but when the world needed him the most he vanished.

10 years have passsed since then and now he has re-appeared although the meta is still forming i believe the avatar can save the meta.


Lastly this card has alot of promise as a tempo swing card if they changed it so it plays even if your hand is full its gona be a fun card i think its playable.


I don’t know if its something that i’m missing, but Avatar of Hearthstone has to be the most stupid card ever made.
Too slow, needs a lot of hand space, the crap you get is totally random and unreliable.
I don’t see it ever being played in a serious deck.

I can see certain classes (druid mostly) playing it just hoping for a high-roll, like it summoning a couple of fat minions or an Ysera, etc. Honestly, druid is the only class I can see putting it to use in the current Standard meta, thanks to their ramping. Imagine seeing this come down on turn 4 and you are suddenly facing 3-4 large minions with your 5 mana. If you think about it a bit, this card perfectly encapsulates Hearthstone as it is right now. RNG + mana cheat, all in one minion. What could be a better embodiment of Hearthstone? Bravo Devs…

I did lose a game against Warrior today where he highrolled 8/8, 12/12 and whatever else he got, didnt matter at that point

1/1 broken xD

I think some cards are just fun to play not every cards needs to be meta defining to be good i feel personaly in fact there is a form of satisfaction in making a deck that can win with cards like these this that have potential that are not that strong.

Was this a reno or odyn warrior ?

I have no idea, I died too fast :smiley:

Sorry to hear that well its stil early days lets enjoy figuring out this meta :slight_smile:

Mill was the fire nation? I always thought mana utility was the fire nation, like marin, dorian, and doomkins

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I didnt think that deep i just replaced the nations with with archetypes :smiley:

The cards are added to your collection? :rofl:

Maybe a Wheel of Death warlock, or some kind of weird milling of both heroes deck without much draw/hand.

And of course some decks are just not constructed; arena is the most obvious example; it can be discovered etc.