Arena - Game hanging on the opponent turn

I am currently at the game. Opponents turn already lasts more than 15 minutes.
Could you please take a closer look what happened? And what can I do aobut it?
I would like to paste the screenshot here but the error ocures when I want to submit the post :frowning:
I have the video also. So let me know if it is needed.

You disconnected and experienced a visual glitch

thank you for the reply. I didn’t get info about disconnecion. Also, I shouldn’t be disconnected as I am not connected throu WiFi. I was checking the internet connection and it was ok.
As I lost one game, will Blizzard will reward? Or a at least fix this bug?

I think it is a feature, not a bug. It’s kinda all there in the thread I quoted to you. Disconnects can happen over wifi or mobile networks. I do not think Blizzard compensates anyone when this sort of thing happens

but when disconnected on mobile, you can see the pop-up with information. Should be the same on the desktop.