Are you trying to get better?

Really? Link please.

Yeah. It sucks playing a mid deck and getting smacked around until the end of the month by Reno Brann over and over. Put a real MMR system into play, and guess what, it’d fix a lot of that.

I have. Repeatedly. The fact that it got ignored? Not my problem.

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Again, read more than just the most recent posts here or the patent thing.

My own take on this is that the MM is fundamentally broken in itself, not rigged, but broken.

What I was saying about the patent, was specific to when it was brought up about other players/rigged comment from Moondance.

As when people know a company has interest in that idea, its kinda hard to avoid thinking it is not being used.
Like with twist atm, with the amount of hackers, when fighting unfair matches not against hackers, people who dont know how the hackers do it, wouldnt know if they are in an unfair fight or not, all they know is there is documented hackers in this mode.

Its like a toxic plague of an idea. Which isnt something players invent, but something hard to avoid considering what is now known (yes even if it isnt confirmed, dont get stuck on this again).
Players react to how a game is designed, OP was confused about seeing so many posts complaining about rigged matches. I was trying to point out its not just that people are paranoid making up conspiracies on their own here (from nothing), considering all of this.

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I have also shared those games with players in my friends list and they saw exactly what I saw.
Fair or not, “averages out over 1000’s of games”, or not.
In 100 games with three different mage decks, all at diamond 5,
I was able to get significantly different matching percentages for the three decks. (WF/Mordresh, Ele mage and Secret.)
100 matches is probably not enough to convince any of the data junkies here, but it is enough to make any average person playing this game think something is wrong with the system.


I’m not saying that they don’t. What I am saying is that if you research the effects of pure randomness (and matchmaking by skill) on humans and other animals, you will see symptoms essentially identical to what rigging complainers complain about. It’s even true that most people will mislabel a large sample of random results as nonrandom, because large random samples don’t sufficiently conform to the gambler’s fallacy.

The truth is that the most psychologically healthy game is not full random, it’s algorithmically massaged to better conform NOT to true randomness, but to something like the player expectations of what randomness is, which are not the same things. I know that “the game isn’t rigged enough” sounds like a super hot take but… honestly, that’s what’s going on.

Twist’s no dust return policy is a clear example of them trying to siphon money from people. I wouldn’t spend a cent on the mode. What a ridiculous premier this new version had. Waste dust or way too much money on useless cards, hero gets nerfed, too bad. And then they rotate out in two months on top of it? Ridiculous.

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I wasnt claiming you did either, I was talking about my own POV here and the context of the convo, your arguments of rigging or not here is fighting with your own shadow, I didnt contest any of this.

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Basically this pertains the competition between Talented people vs Hard Working people. Like Talented Gamers vs Hard Working Gamers.

Like people are gifted to have such talent to reach to Legend and those other people are gifted to work their hardest to reach such lengths by not repeating such mistakes and learn from the talented people to improve such methods.

I have a social life, thanks.

It doesnt matter anymore if I need to get better somehow.
I quit this scum company. The game could be 3 times as good with everyone happy in a month and I wouldnt come back.