Are you trying to get better?

Can’t you be trying to get better and also recognize if something is rigged? By your own logic, you are wasting your time, but I suppose you are too blind to realize it, but further, you are wasting your time by missing the point, and further, you can just be getting better. It’s all quite ironic.

What nonsense is this …
Im Gods perfect lifeform the only reason i lose in a card game is because of external factors like mulligan luck, draw luck , my opponent is in bed with Blizzard or the obvious rigged system in place to prevent me from winning all games.

There is no need to improve when im already incapable of making mistakes.


I never said it was rigged. Cards warping metas has been happening since card games have existed. My logic is that the game is in a bad state and main contributor is Reno. But, it is not so bad that you can’t get better.


You really are oblivious.

Is English not your 1st language? Genuinely asking.

I am in utter awe at the lack of self-awareness going on here.

All i do is tinker with my homebrew decks, sometimes make new ones if i feel inspired, then make lil adjustments to em over time which i tend to do with all the tcg’s that i play, so yeah kinda?

Then again i also don’t come to the forum demanding nerfs or accusing the game of being rigged lol

There is a vast difference to claiming matchmaking is rigged, to wanting to get to legend.
If the game consistently puts you in matches where you are fighting better players consistently, in massive numbers, and it not looking like the matchmaking system is trying to correct the match - making to equal players in a game, then people will assume it is rigged.
They wont need to be trying to get to legend either, just consistently losing, regardless of the input, that will make the game feel unfair, when the number of games start adding up, even if you avoid tilting and so on.
Not everyone is playing this game to climb to competitive levels.
That doesnt mean people dont want fair fights.

The point of matchmaking, is supposed to put you against players close to your skill level for a fair fight.
If consistently losing in large numbers does nothing to course correct who you are put against, then yes, the system is broken. Its not necessarily rigged, its just broken.

But the thing is, that most people are making the claim that it is rigged in a very specific way: putting certain decks up against each other. It has nothing to do with skill.

Well what I mentioned above aside,
Microsoft ActiBlizz does have multiple patents regarding just such a process, so I dont blame people for thinking that is a thing.

source; Patent #9789406

small summary of the patent, from the google page;

“A system and method is provided that drives microtransactions in multiplayer video games. The system may include a microtransaction arrange matches to influence game-related purchases. For instance, the system may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player.”

Said patents are set to expire around 2035, so very clear they are intent on using these.

I know Magic Arena does this same thing, but only in unranked matches. However, I believe they didn’t disclose it until they were called out on it. If this were happening in a ranked game, I’d assume they’d keep in pretty hush. Does seem unbelievable that there’d be no whistleblower, but you know, maybe only very limited people have access, and it could have been a system long before Team 5?

That’s interesting. It’s not out-right saying it is doing, but it is at least admitting that there are no systems in place to prevent it. It could also be talking about co-op games? They have a lot of deniability because of how that’s worded.

Please dont get finicky here. I mentioned a brief summary as quoted from the top of the patent page.
The patent goes into extreme detail in how it functions.

edit; way too much to copy over here, hence summary. also dont like copying such massive amounts of text to forum when the pages exist

Oh, wow. So it just blatantly says or implies that it intentionally mismatches players to psychological alter player’s purchasing habits, and this patent extends to all of their platforms?

Pretty much. This came to light in 2017, but when asked about it, ActiBlizz denied they were currently using it, however based on what I have seen since then, I wouldnt find it surprising if they changed their mind on that, especially considering they updated the patent expiration AFTER they claimed that.

Funny clarification, went back to check the exact wording, which actually was;
“…the filing was merely an “exploratory” effort from a disconnected R&D team and that such a system “has not been implemented in-game” yet…”


Of course they’d deny it. There’s no way to prove it unless you’re on the inside. You’ll just get “crazy conspiracies” on the internet.

Then, if someone does whistle-blow, that person could lose their job if found out, and Blizz/Act would have a patent, so they did nothing technically wrong. And imagine the amount of proof that whistle-blower would need, all to end their career for nothing, knowing they legally can do it, and people will continue to play those games anyhow.

updated last reply, but they actually didnt deny it as I first wrote, I misremembered, they actually just claimed they hadnt used it Yet. xD

which logically means they didnt even try to deny they were planning to use it lol

Also interesting enough, the ones having the original interview with ActiBlizz at the time, had their interview, entire article about it, purged, totally deleted.

Its still on the wayback machine tho

I just find it so strange to try and patent a form of manipulation in video games. Imagine if Oblivion patented micro-transactions all those years ago?

But beyond that, trying to patent something like that seems completely like a legal loop-hole.

Stop trying to tell other people how to have fun. Stop being a tryhard.

Well what is being patented are technical systems, code etc.
The end result is manipulation yes, but that laws havent really caught up with stuff yet,
hence why a lot of digitally-based scams have happens the past 10 years.

Do note ActiBlizz aint the only ones, or even the first ones creating or patenting stuff that is abusive or manipulative.
As you mentioned with MTX, thats something, but that cant really be patented as that is just a purchase, you cant really patent something as vague as that.

My only point I had by sharing this info earlier, was that players arent just coming from nowhere with their complaints, there looks like there actually might be systematic issues here, so players being blamed for doing X thing wrong by other players is silly imo.

A similar issue I would point to, is for example the Hearthstone disconnects that have been present since launch, in all modes, across all devices, systems, OS, handhelds etc.
Blizz points everyone to a list of client-side fixes that players should fix,
even though its well known in the game community by now this is Blizz servers instability.