Arbor Up Is The Most OP Card Ever Made?

im just waiting for players to realise how broken 4 mana leeroy was in classic :laughing:

Isn’t it just a neutral fireball?

what caused the initial nerf was the interaction with shadow step and the insane burst turns (even with modern standard) it could create

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True, that was too much.

But leeroy was fine for the others classes, wasn’t he? As such, maybe shadowstep cost reduction was the problem, more than Leeroy?

Also combos with cb/po and faceless. I don’t think it was broken though

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leeroy + PO + faceless, 10 mana 20 dmg, existed but not wasnt as common yet. there werent really any warlock deck yet that could utilize it to its full power.
leeroy + shadowsteps were 18 damage for 8 mana, not accounting for 1 mana cold blood.
but more important: 4 mana meant you could play it as a tempo play and then conceal it aswell, while at 5 mana that becomes a lot worse

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I see. Thank you for the explanation, makes a lot more sense.

No lock.that could fully use it? Handlock was one of the strongest, if not the strongest, decks in the meta at the time, and this was its win condition.

I’m guessing with a statement like that you didn’t play at the time, it was insanity to always assume you could be bursted for 2 from a lock with 9+ Mana.

i did, and i played alot of handlock. leeroy combo didnt become popular until renolock

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Ah, yes. Including a couple of 7-8 cost cards = building your entire deck.

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Are people still even playing Token Druid? I feel like that deck has completely fallen off the radar lately and I’ve played a lot of games as of late, so Arbor Up can’t be that great… The only Druids I’ve been seeing are Guardian Druids. Honestly, I find it laughable anyone would even try to say the card is on the same level as Keleseth and pre-nerf Patches was…

Not even the most OP card in the current set.

Pen Flinger, Skipper, Illucia and bloody Secret Passage (absurd refill even after the nerf) exist lmfao.

Every other freaking game in high legend is against Rogue. It’s not even funny anymore. Might as well rename HS to Roguestone.

arbor up is a good card and not op at all.I play aggro decks in standard and i crush druids.the 3 hp minion breakpoint is dealable and therefore not op.if arbor up was +1/+2 i would be making rage post on forums.

druid have bad matchups both against rouge and against the decks that are used to counter rouge

It is not even CLOSE to the most OP card ever printed. Not even remotely close.

Most OP card: no.
Badly designed card, on the other hand: definitely yes. An AoE buff card should not be paired with producing the highest amount of vanilla stats for its mana cost any card in the game can produce without drawback.

I just play it for fun really in ranked standard, my own version of token spell druid which is probably a bit different. Find it does ok against certain classes but fails horribly against others, notably warlocks with their multiple board clearance cards which they always seem to have so early in the game and mages as well. Also priests with their low cost power cards which they are able to buff quite easily and heal themselves as well. Also hunters if they are a bit quick off the mark. It also fails against decks which are able to put out a lot of taunt cards. A good mid-range card like arbor up was definitely needed and savage roar will be missed.

Simply not true. The Leeroy handlock deck list was one of the top decks in the meta/in pro tournament play. It was also popular in renolock for sure, but was a staple in quad giants handlock.

when looking at old school handlock most players who were around at the time will look at the handlock master: lifecoach, but also other pro players at the time. leeroy combo wasnt included because the deck didnt need it, if you got to your giants you were winning anyways against most decks so they instead include stuff like shield master to increase their ability to survive the early game

you realize this is basically 1 extra attack of landscaping + power of the wild - and that’s a 2 card combo that are uncommon grade - - Arbor up isn’t the problem, y’all put up a farce on what good and bad when there is way worst thing up for debate on what toxic in the meta. Zeddy point it out better on what REALLY a problem in the game.

Why it’s not nerfed? Cause the card IS NOT THE PROBLEM - I explain what really wrong, and Ginger might get tired of it, but it’s the truth - It’s the card draw power - This was a other debate that came up so i’ll post a quote.

I go into whole information on how it’s the draw of the deck, since spell token Druid has so much spell token support is why it has no drawbacks at this time. The draw lead to Druid having this card all the time w/ fungal - Arbor up is a fine card on it’s own, but having cards that increase the odd of Drawing it more often AND triggering the card effect more often MAKES it seem like a strong card.

Here i’ll Quote

I see people like you come whining about cards but not seeing what made a card strong.

Here let me explain why X card were nerf.

1st off Charge Patches - at the time in standard there was no real Pirate support and Charge Patches really wasn’t bad til Embiggen Came out YEAS later to cheat out a turn 1 3/3 or 5/5 - OG Patches was mainly just annoying in some Brawls, but wasn’t a problem at all and change WAY later in life - so didn’t merit a nerf for a long time cause other cards made it strong.

Keleseth Never was a problem as a you gave up 2 mana slots for him, heck he’s now a dead card in wild - and most the time he just a dead draw late in the game, this is why card tutoring is strong to make this happen more often, but it still see nothing to this day cause so many 2 mana cards.

Calla of the Wild - It was Nerf cause Hunterstone was so strong, hunter hit face and ignore the board and was basically winning games with ‘alwayer’ huffer on the card and Leo attack buff. It was just too good of a curve card.

Guardian Animals was mainly nerf cause you’re cheating out about 10 mana of minions - as many people in the past mention If they wish to hurt GA they should did Lake Thrasher as they were the only reason the deck was doing so well with wide board, not cause of GA - some even said just removing Rush would made it better, as Obv GA is still a good card and rely on Druid’s Mana card to cheat it out early but GA was not the problem as much as the fine tune cards that were good to pull. This is why the Deck is still strong even after the nerf. The Lakes keep the deck good. That why Broom + Lake get call the Mini GA package.

You wish to be explain, There you go. You aren’t someone who has a over view of the card games life and don’t look at the whole cards of a whole. This is where YOU go wrong.

Do some research and maybe invest into what make a card strong or a deck good before doing complaints and be constructive - or you just look like a other child that whines cause they didn’t get the piece of candy they can enjoy while the kids next to you got that flavor you wanted.

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