Anyone willing to do a weekly ranking report in the forums?

I wish I was talented, educated and patient enough to do a thread myself.

The forums are very lacking on useful content beyond “Go to another site to get the info you are looking for” which makes very little sense to me.

I’m hoping someone will start a thread here for the express purpose of posting a weekly ranking of classes and whatever else you’d think helpful or interesting.

Maybe, if we can get quality versions of these threads running we might earn someone MVP :rofl: I have a couple people I would vote for.

Thanks in advance. If I see the thread created I’ll delete this thread.


I would help, but I do not play much other than DH. Where do you plan to get the information? Surely a small number of people would be interested, especially new players.

I do not get the message.

There are some monthly reports by VS that some posters do post references here.

For weekly basis, the content may not serve any purpose, in a sense where meta may not settled or is at the edge of transition. More importantly, there is no reference point as a foundation.

As such, my query.

I don’t. I’m not eloquent enough to really do a thread like that justice. But there are lots of resources out there that people are already using. I’d love for them to be able to share their learning and maybe it will draw more people back to the forums.

Yup there are and those posts are generally buried in rigging threads or some other complaint instead of in a potentially stickied thread. That with the potential forum fame that is severely absent from this site might make it worth it for someone that can get past the trolls.

I was hoping for 1 thread, updated weekly. If it happens it would be amazing.

As for it’s purpose. It’s better than the irrelevant troll bait we have now :slight_smile:

Not that it would matter if no one is credible enough to interpret data accurately.

There’s literally no reason to post and read data from the forums over other sites like vicioussyndicate.

What I mean is I don’t understand the ‘structure’ of the proposed thread.

To make it relevant and to encourage posters to use it, it needs to be

  • useful to a particular group of users and they can in turn use/contribute to it
  • structure conveniently for user to utilize (and not lead into a derail thread)

With reference to above, the end result does not gain traction and enough support of participation.

Thus in the propose weekly report, I suspect it will receive similar responses.

I’m confused. Are you looking for posts to discuss the VS or TempoStorm reports, or for posts where users take their own data and put up a VS-like (or TempoStorm-like) write up?

It can be whatever the author wants it to be. The info I’m interested in is a weekly summary of week to date winrates by class, not decks. Not for anything intense more for information sake.

As you can see by the responses in this thread, which merely purposes a base for someone to work with, it would likely end up in the trash heap as there are far more people that would rather not have HS info on the HS site.

Aaaand yes I can get it elsewhere but that’s opposite of the point lol

Last week: enrage warrior.
This week: enrage warrior.
Next week: enrage warrior.

Quite simple. XD

I disagree with the idea that “most people would rather not have HS info” in these forums. I’ve made at least two topics to discuss VS meta reports, and I can’t recall a single reply that said these threads were unnecessary. Even if there are such replies, they’re clearly a minority opinion within those threads. So clearly people are interested in discussing info about the game. But what you’re asking for seems to go beyond that, particularly your expectation that it’s updated weekly. If VS and TempoStorm (who have people getting paid to write) can put reports every week, why would you expect some rando on the forums to be able to do so?

Look, I’m 100% behind anything that makes these forums have more interesting topics, but I’m not sure this is the way to go about doing it.

Don’t get me wrong. This is by no means an order lol. I figured putting the request in the air for someone to see and maybe choose to do would be more productive than say “LoR is…” and “Priests are…” or “Nerf DH again” :slight_smile: Not that I mind those threads either.

I’ve seen your comparison reposts and the comments after them. I like them. If we could keep it in one thread and try and get it stickied that would be cool.

I’m looking at this from the aspect of the average consumer. Logical search order and what not. If you want info on the game you are playing it would stand to reason that info would be on the official site. But it’s sparse at best and what exists is buried.

Either way. The idea is there for someone to play with how they choose or not choose to use it.

If blizzard actually cared about their own forums, this could be a thing.

But it’s not.

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Nice idea, but no support.

1st. The forum design does not support it. As mentioned, new posts will push it down the viewing order. The lower the viewing order, the least it gets attention and response, forming a cycle to push it further down

2nd. Most posters dislike a common thread on 1 topic, as I have learnt from many experiences. They prefer new posts even if there are multiple posts about similar things that they can engage in.

3rd. Most serious posters have left or not committal to posting anymore. The ‘risks’ of posting has been to great to endure.

But, let not be discourage by me preventing something great. You could start a trial post and I wish you all the best. Above are just my experience and sharing.