Anyone else burned out by pricing?

1 in 40 is the unofficial “pity timer”, not the average.

Ah yes, a bit tired but indeed

No probs, just leaving this from the Wiki for anyone else curious.

  • China is, by law, requiring games which feature random drops purchasable by money, to publicly release the drop rates/statistics for those random drops, effective May 1, 2017. This includes [Hearthstone]

Blizzard complied with this law on April 2, 2017, by making a post to their Chinese forums.[[12]] The officially announced drop rates are:

  • RARE - At least 1 rare or better in each pack.
  • EPIC - Average of 1 every 5 packs.
  • LEGENDARY - Average of 1 every 20 packs.
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I’m all about full disclosure so here’s the fully Monty.

If all you count are Legendaries that randomly drop while opening the 80 packs then 4.5 is the average. 1 Legendary in the first 10 packs, and then 3-4 Legendaries from the remaining 70 (3.5 on average) … making a 4.5 average from nothing but opening packs on day 1. For those who have a hard time understanding averages - say between 4-5 Legendaries.

Now add the free Legendary that Blizzard has always been tossing at players for the past 6 expansions (5-6). Now add a Legendary you craft after watching the meta for a while from your dust stash (6-7). Now add in 1 or 2 more Legendaries you get from dust refunds during the expansion, drops from freebies, or other free resources during 4 months before the next set drops (8-9). Add in the slow drip of 2 years and by the time the set rotates out of Standard? Not in any way unusual to see the total hit 10+ Legendaries.

You don’t get them all at once, but like a patient spider the Legendaries just drop into your web if you’re patient and smart.

Is quest gold & Blizzard freebies the only resource I’ve ever had? No. I have spent some money on the game over the past 3 years…

  • April 2016: $49.99 for WotoG bundle - my annual ‘chip in’ election.
  • Sept 2016: $4.99 for the Welcome bundle - too good a deal to pass up.
  • 2017: Skipped spending entirely. Mean Streets didn’t do it for me.
  • April 2018: $49.99 for the Witchwood bundle - my chip in election.
  • October 2018: $4.99 for the Welcome Bundle - again too good to pass up.
  • Dec 2018: $19.99 for the Winter Viel Bundle - good deal + Christmas bonus.

So for 2016 through 2018 (3 calendar years) my total cash spend on the game has been $129.95 … or $43.32 a year for 150 packs (20 of which were Classic). In the same time frame I got at least 642 free packs from dailies and Brawls as well as “?” from Blizzard promos. The cash packs comprise somewhere less than 15% of the total with 85+% being free.

The net result for Year of the Kraken, Year of the Mammoth, and Year of the Raven?

  • 100% of all the Commons & Rares.
  • 62.34% of the Epics (202 of 324)
  • 53.62% of the Legendaries (74 of 138)
  • 87.11% of all the collectible cards (1,291 out of 1,482).
  • 53.18% of “Dust Value” (265,920 out of 417,120 for the weirdos who use this dumb valuation).

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Don’t forget though, that the “freebie pack” from tavern brawl ends up being nearly 100% dust for someone who has been playing for a long time, given that they likely already have most of the cards from classic.

For a newer player, the freebie classic packs are the only way (other than paying) to fill in their classic set, so they end up with minimal dust from those (perhaps 15-20 dust per week from dusting extra commons).

That makes a measurable difference over the course of a set in how much freebie dust a person has available to craft those “couple extra legendaries”.

What dust refunds, HoF? This year, sure, if you own all HoF cards you might get 3 legendaries, but last year you would have gained enough dust to craft one.

If you’re talking about nerfed cards then the numbers you cited for set completion in another thread are fraudulent as they show no indication of nerfed cards, like Hunter Spellstone for example, being dusted:

And, again, your claim is to getting close towards 100 packs in value with non-gold (accounted for in your 80 pack claim) freebies within a single set.

Your numbers simply dont match anything even remotely resembling a normal HS experience, no matter how well you think youre managing your resources the numbers are suspicious.


A.K.A the boring cards. Again, not every player is a Spike player. I don’t play tar creeper because it is fun, I do it so that aggro can’t burn me down all the time so I might have the chance to do something cool or fun. You need all these cards to be the backbone of a good deck, but that still doesn’t mean they are the fun part of the deck.

Not really, and that is one of the main points of the thread. With 30% of the epics and 20% of the legendary cards, it is likely that I’m going to need to craft something for the deck I want to play or get railroaded into playing decks I happen to have the cards for. I would also only have enough dust for an epic and a legendary or four more epics.

The Prelate deck I am enjoying relies on 7 legendary and 6 epic cards. I also have a Jungle Giants deck with 8 legendary and 6 epic cards that are all different. Both of these decks would be weaker or unplayable if they were missing any cards and I wouldn’t be able to have both if I had much more limited resources and had to craft the more critical missing pieces.

If you are counting commons and rares as a given even for free to play, how about a collection percentage based off the epic and legendary cards? That seems like it would be somewhat indicative of the quantity of playable decks you would have. Using your Un’Goro numbers, it would be 24%. That is a pretty bad percentage, especially considering the epics are not guaranteed to be unique.

Edit: I had to edit the percentages and my conclusion. I somehow managed to forget to double the set epics because you can use two copies of each.

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Just go f2p (free, not fee).
Use your behemoth collection and play wild.

Once you miss a few things you won’t feel compelled to dump your cash on every little cosmetic they come out with any more.

80$ heroes? Lol…

I’m getting tired of these triple A company monetization schemes.

The last thing I may buy from Blizzard will have been wc3 remastered. Since I pirated the game as a kid when I had no money I’m happy to pay now that I have the cash. The difference is that I’m buying a complete game. It’s actually amazing that Blizzard used to make games like Warcraft 2, 3… So much content and care.

Now we have Diablo immortal.


Me too. I’m paying 80 Euro each expansion. That is 240 Euro / year (about 260 USD).

I also used to have ALL the cards until last expansion. The game then became too expensive.

I just opened 168 packs and got 8 legendary cards out of a 24 total. Of course I cannot try many new decks and this makes me play less. I was a legend player but now the game lost its fun and even is costing more than before.

Also, the game became really silly as graphics and story. This turns it more into a kids game but with a cost for the rich.

Here’s my half hour packs opening if curious, just to prove the low drop rate and how unfair it is to open so many packs and get so little in return.

Thank for reading.


Damn man. That is why I hate the game.
Those who support blizzard get robbed.

Don’t support.

They don’t care about giving you the hammer if you already bought 100 units.
you are already a good customer and you don’t need additional incentive.

Would you be happy if the adventure had an additional option that would come with 50 packs and the reduced unit rate equal to that of buying 50 packs in the store?

Anyway I do agree with you partially. You are forced to buy at a rate which is not the best rate and that can be considered a cost for those people who would buy so much that they could get the cheapest rate. its a low cost though in the end,300 dust it comes down to I think and for that you get the adventure


I am fine with the new format… as long as I can spend in game gold to unlock I am happy.

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I’ve moved HS to the phone game I play on the toilet and am playing DDO as my main fun game. Dropped $300 on a multi-year subscription and another $200 on in-game currency. That’s the kind of money I used to spend on HS from release until J2U.

Hit them in the wallet.

Maybe I am crazy but recently I have found if I log in and do my quests as I can I have more than enough just in gold to keep playing free to play.

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you sir are a crazy person we need lock you up, and put an end to all that crazy talk!!! :open_mouth:

Adding my 5cp, opened 60+ packs got 1 legendary so far therefore im not buying a single pack ever again. Blizzard support said sorry its a bad luck. My friend opened his 60 pack got him 5 legendary’s. Since the epic/legendary drop is a chance you can easy get zero from spending 69.99$. Thanks, no thanx.

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I think the F2P system is effective in hearthstone It is true that a casual player will have to dust a lot of there cards to create a couple of meta decks but that’s fine because if you can be a casual and make let’s say 6 meta decks there would almost no point for me to want to buy anything. But the solo adventures are much better in my opinion then how they were back when things like Blackrock mountains solo adventure released making so cards were behind a paywall and there was no way to get it in packs. Although Dalaran heist has there exclusive card it isn’t a card that would change the meta it’s just a cool card to have. And with Dalarians heist having packs as a reward for 20$ to me sounds like a great deal being able to get packs and a cool solo adventure. It’s way better than having to buy packs out right. Also, the events around holidays give a good amount of packs to players. Overall I think its a great F2P system giving players who want to spend money on the game more cards to have fun with but not an advantage in the game with F2P players

I have read threads created by long time paying customers who felt lied to. It is interesting to me that these people will eventually concede that they are lied to for the purpose of profit when it is this obvious, but while they are a happy paying customer they reject the idea that AI.RNG rules the ranks. Either evil corporations lie and manipulate to maximize profits, or they do not. Choose one. I laugh at game company fans. Like, are they turning on MSNBC every morning and cheering at stock brokers buying shares of their favorite game company? It is ridiculous.

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I have only missed a few daily quests in the past year or so, I am f2p, I know I’m not too disadvantaged and I have a fair pool to play with, definitely cannot play a completed netdeck and am having my best success with an almost complete midrange hunter that doesn’t have zuljin and is missing about 5 other cards. The f2p experience is that you can unlock about 60 packs of each set which will usually grant you 2 legendaries and often 3-4 epics, before the next expansion set.

I would love you to prove that you can make legend rank using only, but if you cannot then you must accept that there is some disadvantage. You cannot use any dust to create
gonk, splintergraft, cenarius,
boom master flarks, flarks boom zooker,
high priest thekal, nozari,
prophet velen,
face collector, tess greymayne
glinda crowskin, fel lord betrug
You may use jepetto
or leeeroy but you may lack many rush common/rares

But heres the kicker, you don’t have any epic secrets, you don’t have the mech package, you definitely don’t have enough murlocs. You definitely cannot play token druid, is about 15 cards short. I would love you to take my challenge, it’s actually probably a fun challenge. Try to not use classic cards because I have only about 40% of classic card completion.

Honestly… I completely stopped paying for packs when Blizzard first started this deck rotation B.S. When I was buying decks before, I thought I was buying cards to use forever. Then they decided to start the rotation to supposedly “add balance” to the game when in fact with each new expansion things get further and further out of balance… They didn’t want to add balance, they got greedy. So I wasn’t going to pay the same price for decks that would only be good for a couple years as when I was buying them to use forever (so I thought). And game play ability has in no way diminished by not buying a ton of decks, if anything it has improved. Sorry Blizzard, but your greed cost you my money and I’m sure many others. I’ve come so close to just deleting Hearthstone forever due to the rampant unbalance… these new quests may just do it for me.

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