Ok, so here’s what I came up with. Did a couple of test games, definitely won some but it doesn’t feel refined … yet.
Spell Shaman
Class: Shaman
Format: Standard
Year of the Phoenix
2x (1) Ethereal Augmerchant
2x (1) Lightning Bolt
2x (1) Sludge Slurper
1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
2x (2) Faerie Dragon
2x (2) Spellbook Binder
2x (3) Arcane Watcher
2x (3) Far Sight
1x (3) Lady Vashj
2x (3) Lava Burst
2x (3) Lightning Breath
2x (3) Scalerider
2x (3) Serpentshrine Portal
1x (4) Frizz Kindleroost
2x (4) Squallhunter
1x (5) Big Ol’ Whelp
1x (5) Cobalt Spellkin
1x (9) Malygos
On one hand, you try to get discounted spells with Far Sight and Vash’j, or extra Lightning Bolts with Cobalt Spellkin (don’t have the second one, wanted to test a bit before crafting it).
On the other hand, trying to get discounted Dragons with Frizz and Far Sight (also).
The plan overall being to try to make a burst turn where you stack spell damage and unload everything. Spell Augmerchant is therefore included as the cheapest way to get extra spell damage, on top of some utility with the ping.
Thalnos is also quite obvious as it’s a cheap way to get extra spell damage on top of card draw.
Speaking of which, in my previous post I was mentioning card draw is needed in this kind of deck, and seeing how I run several spell damage minions on top of the hero power being able to give Spell Totem, I added Spellbook Binder for its decent body on top of card draw, and the most controversial Arcane Watcher.
This inclusion I really didn’t believe in but it turned out better than I thought. It curves beautifully after Squallhunter, is a good target for the Taunt lackey (if the enemy silences it, it can attack always).
Sprinkle a bit of the Dragon synergy cards for board control and Faerie Dragons for consistency and … voila ! You can happily try to burst your enemy for 20dmg