Am I a Bad Player?

I agree with you. I want to improve my gameplay too and I also have fun winning, but I think it’s healthier for me to not take the game too serious. I don’t care much about ranks and stuffs.

Now, I was reluctant to volunteer because I normally play on EU and wild is the only game mode where I don’t have any knowledge of, so I thought there were better qualified people here that could offer a hand. That being said, I have faith in my fundamentals, so if you still want someone to take a look at your plays I’d be happy to help.

I took Mech Hunter to rank 4 last night. All that I can say,

  • Loatheb is a staple. It wins you games single handedly
  • Throw in an Enhance-o-Mechano if you happen to have one. It’s amazing and not so hard to pull off. Boards as Mech Hunter are hard to clear
  • How about teching DK Rex, so you have a shot at winning control matchups? It’s a decent clear versus aggro as well
  • Playing around things like Defile, Shadow Word: Horror, and Excavated Evil is essential. And I think you already know how to Magnetize in such contexts

I do not have Loatheb (yet) but I will see about your other points.

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I was forced to switch to Odd Paladin during my daily climb. Divine Shield and Quartermaster swarms have bested me more than once: if you don’t open T1 mecharoo/coin/mecharoo, the whole matchup is pain and those are Mech Hunter’s only 1mana drops beside Cogmaster. I often find myself running low on turn 1 plays, which never happens if you run baku pally.
Maybe I should focus on one single class instead. Still, the truth is I need to read my pocket meta and switch decks whenever it gets me down.

It got me up to rank 2.