AI only going face since last patch

Same thing for me, AI only go face in all the singleplayer contents. I hope it can be fixed soon because it ruins the fun and i love all the singleplayer adventures !

Along with always going face I’ve also noticed, in Dalaran Heist anyway, that the AI will rarely use their hero power (unless it must) and only if it has no other options (it’ll play all the cards in hand before even using the Hero power - not like it was before).

This bug is truly the worst ever!!!
Hearthstone like this makes it unplayable.

I hope to get feedback as soon as possible.

Yup, made a post several weeks ago with the same topic, the AI in expert just is beyond stupid right now. Only going face unless a taunt is in the way, using coin/innervate just for the sake of using it up. Just checked, Novice AI plays normal, looks like just Dungeon Runs and Expert AI need fixing.

As of the most recent patch, the AI has been fixed. No more face-only strategies.

I would say it is partially fixed. The “face only” bug is fixed but the AI is sufficiently dumber than it used to be.

For example, The Scarecrow will sacrifice one of it’s own minions to gain health when it’s already at full health. This was never the case before.

Having played Monster Hunt (a lot) since the day it came out the only AI flaws I initially remember were Cragtorr playing Poison Seeds before it was about to win (saving me numerous times) and Scarecrow attacking with it’s weapon before it’s minions. Honestly, there wasn’t much else.

Now the AI is a total mess. There are bugs/flaws all over the place. Too many to count.

I’m agree with Stormraze, IA is not like it was before. Now, too many trade, but not efficiently.

example : now 4/4 minions seems to trade with 2/2 (not only key minions) instead of attack hero.

I also feel like this has been over tuned, I recently restarted Tamsin Book in Mercs and the first fight, the boss AI traded nearly every time, which cleared my board every turn it was too effective.
I had to restart the fight just to get a run where he didn’t just trade or use all of his removal spells back to back constantly instead of ignoring my face