31.6 - Known Issues

The market is still closed for me, playing on samsung galaxy a13.

Same for me, hard to play a card game when you can’t buy cards…

Hearthstone in general, but absurdly often in Battlegrounds: Crashing!
Just had a BG game where the game crashed to desktop just before each combat, this is extremely annoying when you play Tess Greymane or have her Hero Power Bob’s Burgles, I’ve also crashed in ranked standard on multiple occasions.

My PC should be more then beefy enough for this card game, if I can’t physically play the game your shiny new expansions don’t matter, please do more stability testing instead of just adding more flash and bang. (not the same departments, but all hands can playtest, do you guys not all have phones?)

I’m running the game in Fullscreen 3840x2160 Low Quality

My system:
Everything updated on the daily (not just saying that, it’s part of my daily routine)
Windows 11
Intel I7-8086K CPU
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 (3 monitors, main 2160P 120Hz, spare 2160P 60Hz and a 1080P 60Hz)
Client, Game & Operating system installed on a Samsung SSD 970 Evo 1 TB

After playing the “Delicious Cheese” all 3 of the minions created would be invisible. I could see that they were created in the log but they wouldn’t actually appear on the battlefield until 2 turns later when I would disconnect and reconnect. This has happened twice now :^/. I have clipped footage if that would help!

Any chance you could upload the clip and share the link?

To add a link to your post, paste it into your message message, then highlight it, and use </> button, so it appears like this.

Since tonight’s hot fix patch the time between turns is far longer than normal. Waiting two minutes between rounds.

Hey Sheils,

Does it happen in a specific mode exclusively, or everywhere?

about at round 10, you have to wait 200 secs each round

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I play battlegrounds so can’t comment in normal mode but as the above post says the time increases as the game goes on. ,150 and then 200 seconds between rounds as the game progresses.

I can record later and post.

Selling Finley’s buddy after getting your Denathrius quest reward gives you the generic buddy instead of Denathrius’ buddy

Trying to access the shop crashes the game on my iPad 9th gen, ever since last expansion

Round 7 100 seconds between rounds, round 8 150 by round 10 it’s 200 seconds

Weekly missions: Despite having banked missions, only one panel is available and the other 2 display: “New mission in x day(s)”.

Playing battlegrounds with the augment to get a golden minion on a specific turn, hand was full of blood gems and after I chose the minion, the card disappeared.

You clowns ever gonna fix the pixel display issue?

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There’s no protection for burning a card when your hand is full. The only exception is spellcraft. Hand space management is something you have to think about when playing.

BG duos is completely messed up. Games constantly lag, it takes so long to play cards that you barely have time to do anything. Animations slower again plus shorter turn times has gone too far the other way now. Do you actually test these patches before you roll them out?

Take to the Skies doesn’t draw demons from Kil’jaeden’s portal.

Hi! I must inform you of impossible to beat combo of two cards: “Velen, Leader of the Exiled” + “Saronite Chain Gang”. When they are played, it’s impossible to beat and losing rank is inevitable. Please, fix this as soon as possible.

Any update on the lack of text on Pixel devices? It’s been two months! I know none of the names of the StarCraft miniset cards. I will have to request a refund for my pre purchase of the next set if it won’t be fixed in time