26.0 Known Issues

Hello, haunting nightmare is still bugged as hell, i dont see it in the know issues.

Just played a warrior game and last stand wasn’t drawing any creature while there was still some in my deck

Wasn’t the achievement in question intdoduced as a means to gain those golden cards for those who missed the event in the first place? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Which minions exactly were still left in your deck?
Notice that Last Stand draws a Taunt minion, not just any minion, so if all minion left in your deck had no Taunt, then there was nothing to draw.

Hearthstone mercenaries mythic run has a “few” bugs, but some that has insanely damaging impact on the game:

Chi-Ji “Blazing Band” equipment only gives lvl 4 buff once the game starts despite being at lvl 16, I’ve spent ALOT of renown on that…
This problem has existed from the introduction of the game mode!

Yu’lon has the same issue with “jadefire spear” and “serpent pendant”

There are plenty of reports around the internet and on the forum about this, yet no response from dev team.

Can confirm, Haunting Nightmare is still not always summoning the 4/3 Soldier. The cards in my hand get haunted and show the shadowy aura as normal but the soldier is not summoned. This just happened to me not only two games in a row but twice in a row in the same game. Cheers!

Is Friend of a friend achievement still bugged?

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Tony, King of Piracy battlecry does not activate in Arena after update.

Tony, King of Piracy does not have a Balttlecry. It has a passive effect that should be active as long as he is on the board, and a Finale effect that should activate when you have exactly 0 mana left after playing the card.

Which of the two did not activate?
What other minions were on the board, what spell effects were active?
Do you have a link to a replay of the game, so that Blizzard can see exactly what the game state was when this happed?

the achivement friend of a friend doesn’t work

Why do you not have HAUNTING NIGHTMARE as a known bug? It’s been bugged for a long time now.

I have a replay now showing you the bug:

Turn 9 my Cannibalize has the nightmare. I play it. Nothing.

When are you going to fix the death knight bug? I was going to try out a rainbow death knight deck and it keeps saying the same minions I don’t have on the deck (but I do have) after refreshing the app on the phone. I was going to practice on that deck and it won’t let me play even before I refreshed it. And then the practice mode looks out of wack when it does. Similar when trying to find multiplayer game too.

Deathrattle of “Haunting Nightmare” huant “Shadow Word: Undeath”. If “Shadow Word: Undeath” must deal 4 damage on enemy, he not summon 4/3 soldier. Please fix it. I lost 3 games in a row because of this

You are right! But it shouldn’t be popping up as an unaccomplished achievement for those who didn’t miss it.

What do you mean?

For example, for me the Stormpike chain is marked as completed after that event, while the one for Frostwolves is active. I suppose it depends on which faction you chose (I fought for the Alliance), and the other one doesn’t grant any new rewards anyway.

Apart from that, there’s been this:

I can’t readily think of anything else regarding your question. :thinking:

Duels is still bugged - Triple blood rune DK being offered Frost rune spells in buckets.

My mistake, you’re right once again. Thank you for the clarification!

Alright, glad to have cleared that up.

I suppose there’s also a bit of ‘flavour’ to it: if you supported the Alliance, for example, it makes sense that you completed ‘For the Stormpike!’, but not ‘For the Frostwolves!’, since your fought for the former side, but not the latter, and vice versa. With these achievement in place, I suppose you could do both — maybe even earn the cards in various orders, depending on how your progress these.

Thanks for letting us know our reports are being seen.
Android mobile is still disconnecting from the game at a 98% rate during the wheel spinning phase.
Is there intention of fixing this issue?

Thank you.