25.0 Known Issues

Have you fixed this issue yet? Unlocking and playing the new Death Knight class is THE reason to play this expansion. Everyone should be able to unlock DK the right way. Fixing this issue should be a top priority.


Apparently, not.

Speaking of which: Hearthstone team's priorities.

On Android, accessing the Mercenaries mode still (since 24.0) gives an error saying “We encountered an error when loading this menu. Please try again.” with high frequency.
This also happens almost every time after a completed battle, before node rewards are presented.
I have no similar error in any other mode.
My phone model is a OnePlus 3T (A3003) running OxygenOS 9.0.6 (Android 9).

Just finished the Prologue. I still got the bug where it froze at the end; I got achievement notifications in the corner but no popups. I quit and restarted. I do have the new cards but it would have been nice to see how the fight was supposed to end and get a popup. My adventure is still out of order too. I was hoping once I finished the last fight it would fix itself but it didn’t.

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I did not get any notification about reroll legendaries after reciving signature cards . Affected cards are “DAR’KHAN DRATHIR” and “POTIONMASTER PUTRICIDE”. Can someone from dev give me another chance to reroll this or do something about it ?

Alright, the Death Knight Prologue and packs apparently fixed as per 25.0.3. Why is it us who’ve got to document this, though? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

One more thing: after completing the prologue, the next ‘story quest’ of the event is still not available immediately (I believe it was already reported somewhere) — we’ll see if it emerges the following day.

PS It has.


Yes, my adventure is in the correct order now!

Just going to add to the chorus of the various duels issues with Scarlet. They should disable the hero entirely until it’s fixed, yet they won’t even ACKNOWLEDGE that there are problems with both one of the passives and at least one of the signature treasures.

It’s ‘everyone’ (still haunting those who remember it), isn’t it? Haven’t you played the game yourselves? :grinning:

Alright, I suppose I’ll add a positive note for once: that prologue was an enjoyable experience, thanks for fixing it!

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Hi! I have posted this before but got no responses. The achievement under game, mlk, paladin is counting all cards that deal damage to my own hero, not just paladin cards. I got that achievement without even playing 5 games of paladin.

It seems that Souleater’s Scythe in duels only works on first game

So one of my friends challenged me for play a friend quest, but in the pop up it didn’t say I will get the XP (I still got it after match just popup is glitched)

At the end of the last boss fight of the prologue, the game was stuck. And when I restarted the game, I missed the screens/animation of unlocking the new class and the new hero and receiving the new 3 decks. That was disappointing. I could never have the full experience because it could only happen once.


Same. I wanted to see the popups/screen that the new class is unlocked. I could never see it unless I create a new account to redo the whole thing.

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Hey, I didn’t get lich king cards back from the new event lich king’s cols

I told my husband to go ahead and buy the reward track and do the adventure today because the bugs were fixed. He got the right track and his fights/dialogue were in the correct order but the end of the last fight still froze at the end. So I still haven’t gotten to see what it’s supposed to look like XD

If you are playing whizbang the wonderful and you get the Demon hunter the scyte doesn’t work

Mine didn’t freeze, fortunately… It was a fun reenactment of that scene, reminiscent of some chapters in the Book of Heroes in terms of how it’s done within the game, dunno If I gotta spoil it for you…

This one is probably not lost forever, though, unlike with the Lich King missions in Icecrown freezing at the end of the encounter during the previous major patch, when I was doing them (it was that period when the KotFT cards were temporarily in Core) — so I had to find the Lich King’s response after beating him for the first time on YouTube. As for this one, though, you might want to play it again at some point to see the final scene. As for the chest opening, which happens only once, there was just a popup saying that you unlocked some cards (and maybe three decks added — I deleted them anyway), that’s about it.

I just repeated the Prologue, in the correct order, and there was no final scene.

Scourge Rager still does not trigger Jungle Giants quest progress twice, only once. This is contrary to playing other reborn 5 attack cards like Generous Mummy into Explosive Runes, which would trigger twice upon second mummy summoning. Similar logic is playing Leeroy into an opponent’s board with a Knife Juggler, which can ping damage back against the Leeroy. There is no way this is intended behavior, please fix ASAP