21.3 Patch Notes

In that case It is.

You take more damage AND get your pay off slower.

That to not talk about the Rod nerf.

It’s at best tier 4.

This is the big thing. You have to hurt yourself more and spend an extra turn spending mana on punching yourself in the face.

I hadn’t thought of that. Very, very nice!

I expect someone much smarter than me to find a T3 build. Then pirate warrior will be refined and it’ll drop to T4 again.


Definitely surprised they tried to breathe more life into hero power mage since it never seemed that interesting to begin with. Maybe it can work in conjunction with a fire deck and have mordresh and tony as the finishers?

The hunter buffs I don’t think will do anything. Hunting face and the quest are still better choices for hunter than a midrange beast strategy

Pirate warrior certainly looks more interesting with premium stats + a benefit on a 1 drop and 3 drop.

I’m surprised they went after the quests directly this quickly.

The warlock quest just got a lot slower in standard and it had to be banned from wild for that format to remain at all playable. Crystallizer and Unlicensed Apothecary complete the quest at such an absurd rate that there’s no way to make that card playable in standard without destroying wild. When it rotates to wild they’d have to up the numbers on it significantly to like 10-12 damage at a minimum per step.

Im surprised they’re nerfing quest shaman but it will probably still be viable with 1 more overload card and flame nerfed


Illucia should return to cost 2, why not?


I really loved Questlock in Wild with some old cool cards, bec they was finally playable. Now they’re dead again, thanks Blizzard… <.<

Rare · Minion · League of Explorers · Battlecry: Shuffle an

Legendary · Minion · Rastakhan’s Rumble · Deathrattle: Shuffle a Corrupted Blood into each player

Epic · Minion · Saviors of Uldum · Battlecry: Destroy a minion. Your hero takes damage equal to its Health.

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I never even used the rod in handlock. The rod was added later by some people but the original that Orange posted without Rod was much better.

Rod nerf is negligible and hurts the rod version only.

If there is a rise in Mage, that will be more destructive to Warlock than any of these changes.

That illucia tho, it is not disruption anymore, but she costs the same. When they decided to kill that card at least they could change her to 1mana.


Wild is just that! WILD!

You should know they don’t balance according to wild.

BUT how about those priest buffs!!!

Oh, wait, NVM

I am beyond certain that will not be the case. The deck is such an ungodly nightmare to pilot well that most people will just end up getting run over by simpler strategies while trying to play garrote rogue


I actually like this Illucia better.

For a control player, if Priest ever becomes viable, one of the problems with playing Illucia before was the opponent got more mana to play my cards. Illucia was a disruption.

Now, I can play Illucia with no downside and fear of opponent using my cards. You can use her to see what they have and play any powerful cards they are keeping. I like it better for my style of play even if she’s technically nerfed.


Did quest shaman really need the final overload requirement increased to 3? I fear that will make the deck too slow now.

Not only do you have to play the additional overload card but you also have to deal with being even more overloaded so you can’t play the reward as easily. Because of the additional overload you might even have to wait 2 turns after completing the quest just to play brukan! I think this has the possibility to kill the deck…

Is quest shaman even a T1 deck? Its T2 in most lists that i see… elemental shaman has always been better but i think the quest became popular because it was something new to play since elemental shaman has been around a while now.

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That would definitely open up some of the doors for Control decks then. I think slowing it down is on purpose.

I agree in some extend but for 3 manas and don’t be able to disrupt your opponent at all? 2 manas is the right spot.

The reward is too powerful.

And it is a QUEST for god sake, not a small task with insane over massive reward.

Thinking about it the questline priest is the only one done right.

Not a big fan of the Mage buffs , Mordresh even at 8 mana will never be meta.
Not enouth for hero power Mage maybe they are planning more support for it on the mini set( doubt it).

I like most of these changes except Illucia. I think they should have brought her back to 2 mana due to it not actually spending your opponents cards.


why won’t this work? (Seriously trying to learn)

It all depends on the rest of the meta and how refined the deck can become. Kibler’s version which ran few spells and several tutors could be decent. Especially now that wandmaker is a possibility. I’m definitely looking forward to trying. Don’t do it in the first few days after the nerf, though. It’ll be nothing but aggro priest and face hunter.

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Because by the turn you play him you want to finish the game and you wont be close to do that with the deck.

A strategy that aims to kill your opponent past turn 9 in this meta is doomed , i dont get it if they want Mage to play other decks this isnt it Quest Mage is still better by a lot and it doesnt even reach 50% win rates this days.

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Turn 8 (or 7 with coin) is very possible. There were several times when I would have enough damage banked up and not be able to play him until ten.

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