19.0.2 Server Hotfix

There is still many bugs, specially with achievements.

This company is a joke now. I’ve gone back to Path of Exile and this game will be relegated to when I have quests and that’s all.
Mage is trash and so is the Battle Pass, therefore I have no real reason to waste my time.

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I’m glad to see a hot fix like this! But, could you please try to fix the Yogg Wheel so that it can be restored, as well as addressing Zephrys’s AI? I’d be very appreciative if you could check up on some of those additional issues!

I already playing 250 heroic duel. I waiting my xp.

Hehe, as somebody said before, whatever Blizzard publishes, there will be lots of negative comments :slight_smile:

thank you, that fix is what i’ve been waiting for

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My quest tab i still blank. Is the hotfix live on EU?

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Where is the Kalimos fix?

Where is the rest? Theres a few dozen other bugs currently plaguing the game. Duels is imbalanced as hell. DH is running rampant in standard. You guys have been silent for over two weeks and this is what we get? What have you been doing? I understand that that you have been “laying low” because of the battle pass, but I was expecting you have been at least working on bugfixing and balancing the game. This is beyond lazy. Wake up. If you expect me to continue to support the game, you have to put a lot more effort into your product.

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What was your job again? Community Manager?Do you think you doing your job well, communicating with the HS-Community? Beside the toxicity in the Forum, Reddit or Youtube, there’re a lot reasonable things you should talk about with your community. To clear things up, I am not a F2P Player. According to my Transaction History I spent well over 4,5K for HS since the early Days of the Game. That’s 750€ a year. Get this to your mind! I paid 10x the Price for HS a Year compared to AAA Games, and there was a time it felt right, cause i had a great time with your game. To enjoy this Game it needs to be refined from time to time. Most important balancing the classes to keep the Meta diversified. I mean i don’t spent that much money to play only with 3 imbalanced classes, cause they’re the most competitive (overpowered) ones. With all the money ppl spent on pre-order Bundles, Packs and the criticized Battle-Pass, which isn’t imo an improvement to the system before, you should listen and talk to your community. they paid, so you get paid for doing your job right. they deserve it! Break the Silence!

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Agreed. I personally spent about $2000 on HS so far. But considering how many thousands of hours of fun Ive had over the past five years, I always considered it a worthwhile investment. So as a paying customer, I actually kinda like the battle pass over the old system - it needs some adjustments and fine-tuning, but it isnt inherently bad idea. Since my collection comes mainly from preorders and pack purchases, the amount of free resources is not a dealbreaker for me, its basically a discount… but I still understand the outrage and frustration of the F2P community.

The main issue for me at this point is the silence and lackadaisical approach by Blizzard. Its like theyre testing the extent of how much “low effort” they can get away with…

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Well, the problem is that whatever they say, they will be shouted at. So no wonder they prefer working on fixes silently rather than talking to the screaming crowd.

@Talaniel There will be always toxicity in a Forum like this. As a Community Manager you should be able to deal with it. They are the connection between the company and the customers. Don’t misunderstand me, doing a good job with the HS-Community, isn’t always easy. But if the majority of paying customers like me, isn’t happy with the state of their product, they should listen and talk to us, being able to distinguish between reasonable arguments and trolling. Being silent isn’t a solution. It’s a bad habit.

Well that’s not true :smiley: I still have a completely blank quest tab xD


Cool… This day-1 patch is only 17 days late. How much longer do you need to make this expansion release ready?

When does this patch actually go live? My Launcher still says, and my quest log is still completely blank.

Sometimes after completing a quest it shows after the game that i got the xp and that I leveled up but when i go to the journal to claim the reward from the new level the journal still shows that i need more xp and has not added the quest xp that was just completed yet.

I think that this is a server-side patch, that is no download, that is no version change.

How is it about to fix the desciption of the duels rewards for the epics on scholomance. Wasted thanks to the poorly and lazy created desription 1.2k dust. This is just bs in combination with the current reward system which is just snapping the free to play players or players which wont spend a fortune for this game the neck.

The topic of the thread is 19.0.2, but a server side patch won’t change the version? Well crap, I was hoping they just hadn’t rolled it out yet but guess they didn’t fix it at all then.