RISK AND RALLY: Greed Spoils in Temple of Namari

Greetings Adventurers,

Recently, there was a bug that allowed Adventurers playing through the Temple of Namari Dungeon to post times in the Risk and Rally event that were not possible without the use of this bug.

This has now been fixed, and players should no longer run into the bug that caused this issue.

We are currently working to fix the overall leaderboards in order to ensure that the bugged times are not affecting Players actual rankings.

We do not plan to take away any rewards that players have already received, but will be distributing additional rewards to players according to their actual rankings (the rankings unaffected by this bug.)

This will take some time, so we thank you for your patience in advance.

In your introduction thread, you said…

Two weeks later you say…

Your End User License Agreement includes this sub-section…

Your use of the Platform to interact with Blizzard and other players is governed by Blizzard’s in-Game Code of Conduct accessible here (the “Code of Conduct”). The Code of Conduct is not meant to be exhaustive. The Code of Conduct is incorporated into this Agreement by this reference and is available at: Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct Please note that violation of any of Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct (including with regard to Your use of Blizzard’s Websites and Forums) may result in penalties against your Battle.net Account, including suspension and/or termination of Game licenses.

That Code of Conduct includes…


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.


  • You know that players were cheating
  • You know exactly which players were cheating
  • You’re not taking away the rewards the cheats obtained by cheating

There’s zero mention of the cheats being punished. At all. Nothing about suspensions or bans. Not even taking away their ill-gotten gains obtained by knowingly abusing a bug.

I’m genuinely curious. When you don’t punish known cheats / exploiters, do you think that helps the community to thrive and grow? How do you think legitimate players will view this?

What’s the point of the EULA if you don’t actually enforce it? You know each and every one of these players with an illegitimate time is a cheat. Why aren’t they being banned?


I totally understand your concern here, but this is a little bit of a trickly situation.

Exploitable Bugs come in many different variations. Some are obviously bugs, and you can knowingly take advantage of them to get an advantage in-game. Some bugs are inevitable, and you could run into them and gain an advantage without knowing. This one was a bug that players could encounter, accidentally place on the leaderboard, and not have had any intention of doing so.

Yes, some players could have taken advantage of it on purpose, but a lot more could have encountered it without meaning to. We cannot be sure who did it on purpose, and who did not.