Persevere Through Sanctuary’s Torment

Persevere Through Sanctuary’s Torment

Antagonize the Burning Hells’ foot soldiers with the new Torment Upon Torment Battle Pass, complete with balance changes for most Classes and feature updates.

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Tower War

Tower War has received a variety of changes to gameplay. These changes aim to create a more fun and streamlined experience for everyone.

Stop shoving Tower War into our throat! If you have time to push the Tower War agenda upon us, use the time to balance or improve the Battleground instead!

Recent data we’ve collected has shown that the Immortal has been underperforming in matches. We’ve made the following changes to better balance this activity for both sides.

  • Life and Damage gems will begin as effective for the Immortal.
  • The total number of kills required for the Immortal to win has been reduced.

Finally, although I am not so sure how much it would help here.

Shadows Goals

  • All available Shadows Goals will now be displayed instead of just three.

Thank you!


Warbands size has increased from 8 to 12 members. This change was made to offer more flexibility in how Warbands can be structured.

Weird changes. I don’t know how should I utilize that…

Damage Statistics Log for Dungeon Runs

A welcome feature for sure. I hope you guys can add a “player” dummy too in the future so we can see how much damage we can deal on players after our stats got strifed in BG, and RoE thru the “player” dummy.

Damage Numbers Display

The amount of damage being dealt by some adventurers is so large that it obstructs their view. A new option in the Settings menu allows you to adjust whether combat numbers appear at all, and their display size.

Nice :+1:

Tower War Compensation for AFK Players

For players that lose a Tower War match after a teammate is removed for inactivity or a disconnection, we’re compensating the loss of the match with a slight reimbursement of overall points.

Why compensate the points slightly when you can just remove the point losses, especially on the uneven match?