Have you been experiencing Lag and Latency lately? We need your Input!

Hello Adventurers!

We are currently working to investigate and address the increase in Lag and Latency in some game modes that some of you have reported. If you have experienced issues with Lag recently, and have a moment to share your experiences with us, it would be greatly appreciated, and help us get to the bottom of this and address the problems quicker.

If you have encountered issues with Lag in BGs and other modes, please provide us with the following information:

  • Server Name?
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted?
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag?
  • What is the severity of the Lag?
  • For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night?

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we hope to be able to address this soon.

  • The Martyr (EU) which is part of Server Cluster - The Martyr / Sea of Light / Crystal Arch / Diamond Gates / Peace Warders
  • I have delays when zoning between map areas and loading into instances, i.e. dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, elder rifts, challenge rifts, terror rifts, vault, etc
  • This seemed to start about 3 weeks ago I think
  • The lag seems to be for PC players mostly. I play with 3 other Immortals frequently for Vault defence. The two that play on phones will have zoned in, and be beyond the first corner of Floor 4 (and maybe killed the Shadows) before I’ve completed zoning in and can move, i.e. it’s multiple seconds. Similarly, for raid bosses, by the time I zone in, someone else could have run into the boss arena and already triggered the cut-scene.
  • I can’t say about BGs as I don’t play them at night

I want to stress that this is not local hardware. My PC greatly exceeds the specs for DI. Not only that, but I had absolutely none of this lag until a few weeks ago, i.e. it’s either a server-side issue or something that’s been put into the PC client.

  • Server Name? Fara (Spain).
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted? Mostly when entering/leaving Vault.
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag? 4 days ago, coinciding with a cycle change and becoming inmortal.
  • What is the severity of the Lag? Severe. Almost 6-7 seconds difference to enter/leave the Vault from my fellows. Only happening to PC users from my experience.
  • For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night? NR/DK
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I get lag heavy on groups. Of 3 or 4 man. Raids are sometimes over when I load in. Lag is still there if solo but not as bad.

Stygain fury
Terror rifts
Battlegrounds / tower wars i move to second phase and when i use dash skill it teleport me to the start point
Shadow war entrance
Immortal entrance
I just play because i paid too much otherwise i would have quit long time you guys dont put work to fix stuff only releasing new ways of getting money
No new maps no new modes for pvp i find it so boring now have nice day

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Server Sea Peth
Whenever many elements come at the same time i experience super lag.
Like bg terror rifts elder rift etc
When solo and few enemies its fine

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  • Server Name? merge between: aranoch, sescheron, talus’ar, horadric malus
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted? terror rifts, vault. minor lag from time to time in every pve mode (dungeon, accursed tower, farm)
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag? 1 month ago with server merge between sescheron/aranoch with talus’ar/horadric malus
  • What is the severity of the Lag? very bad in terror rift, borderline unplayable. occasionally unplayable in the vault but it happens less often. really minor lag (and less annoying) in farming modes and dungeons
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Server Name? Iceburn Tear
Which Game Modes were Impacted? Kions
When did you start experiencing the Lag? As soon as fight starts
What is the severity of the Lag? 1 fps

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Server Name pools of wisdom
Which Game Modes were Impacted at times most best way to describe it is gravylike as in sluggish
When did you start experiencing the Lag , that varies during the day these days but it started a long time ago actually
What is the severity of the Lag? at times minor at times its unplayable on a high end pc
For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night? not really still as random , aswell as highly mysterious behaviour regarding speed on certain players
running a pretty highend rig i should have zero issues with a 1000-1000mbit connection

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  • Server Name? Doombringer
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted? Raids, vaults, BGs, Dungeons
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag? About two weeks ago
  • What is the severity of the Lag? Everything on the screen freezes except my toon. This happens multiple times especially in Raids and BGs. When multiple spells start going off it will severely lag. I tried lowering the quality of the game play and that didn’t work and the lag continued.
  • For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night? I was not in any BGs yesterday because I was frustrated with the lag. I tried conqueror out and that still was lagging out
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Doombringer server, alot of lag during battlegrounds, Fractured Plane, etc. This game is a big ball of lag.

  • Server Name - The Unspoken
  • Which Game Modes were Impacted - mostly Terror Rift
  • When did you start experiencing the Lag - since latest server merge
  • What is the severity of the Lag - very big like 5-10 seconds delay. Sometimes it takes like 10 min to get back to normal
  • For BGs specifically: Were there any Improvements to Lag in BGs since last night - haven’t tried BG
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Ign: Drunk3nTig3R
Sv: Zann Elsu
Game Mode: Terror Rift
Server Ping: normal with all activities but terror rift
I got delay 3s without dmg, after that dmg appears for 1s then come back to lagging.

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Flowing strike still rubber-bands you back to base in BG

• OG wailing beast server (recently merged with several others)
• terror rifts, dungeons, castle defense

• castle defense lag has been an ongoing issue for minimum 6 months. usually begins to get choppy & then full on lag once defense has cleared 40,000+ points

• dungeon lag is sparingly & inconsistent. sometimes i find i get matched with certain players in randoms that absolutely kill my connection to the point where the game stalls, screen freezes & has to catch up. other times the lag is so bad it crashes the game & forces file updates to reload the splash screen for login. there are rare instances where the crash is so severe that packets are being pushed to the phone, but nothing going out from the phone & it would be stuck in limbo if i didn’t know a workaround to force-push packets from the phone to the air.

• the past calendar week i’ve experienced a weird “delay” in terror rifts, i can’t even call it lag per se. what i’m finding is when i have a large density of mobs clustered by wizard’s “windcore” leggo affix of arcane wind, my subsequent attacks, (channel skills in particular) aren’t hitting on cast. instead monsters stay grouped, but do not register being hit for several second.

is it possible this is a product of prefarming trifts on i2 difficulty or latency?? i’ve never experienced the “delay” on i1 trifts.

**edit. i play on iphone

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Gardens of Hope cluster
Game modes affected:
Terror rifts, Battlegrounds / tower wars - constant “rubber banding”, Shadow wars, Cursed tower shard farming activities, helliquary raids.
When did it start: Lag has been ongoing for months, but is substantially worse since recent server merge.
What is the severity: Absolutely huge, sometimes can’t move for several seconds, other times get placed on totally different places in the map to where I believed I was.
Altold the performance of the game is absolutely diabolical. I know Diablo is in the name, but no need to make it so bad. Most of us are here purely because we played for a long time, but you’re certainly helping to encourage us all to get over our addictions and quit with such a sham show as this game is nowadays.

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Peace wardens

Lag is everywhere but specially in open world, westmarch became impossible to walk around and stopped running dungeons because of the amount of lag there

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Terror rift

Started last week and has gotten worse and worse that yesterday night I couldn’t kill even regular mobs cause the dmg would tick one at a time. Ended up finishing only 2 towers cause the timer would just run as normal while the dmg would lag.

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High Heavens
In bgs last night
And doing terror rifts.

Those lags i can 100% guarantee is from the majot botting that is going on. I have characters in high heavens, iceburn tear and town portal. And all 3 have major botting going on. I have screenshots of the botting especially in high heavens.


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