Discover Secrets Hidden in the Sharval Wilds

Discover Secrets Hidden in the Sharval Wilds

Drink in the first major update to Diablo Immortal for 2025. Venture into the Sharval Wilds to investigate a disturbance in the land itself.

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  • Battleground Convoy: 6 p.m.–9 p.m. server time
  • Original Battleground Map: 9 p.m.–12 a.m. server time

As an Immortal, how am I supposed to have enough time to do the new battleground convoy when I need to do Vault Defense, Corvus, WB Raid and Kion from 7 pm to 9 pm? :laughing:

In fact, shouldn’t that the new map should be on 9 pm to 12 am server time for more accessibility instead of putting the old BG on 9 pm to 12 am?

Masterful Crafting Changes

For the first time, you now have influence over how you craft powerful gear. Using Iron and Silver Ore gathered from Ore Veins in the Wilderness, Terror Rift, Oblivion Pillars, and Hellslayer Bounties, and Stained Remains harvested from defeated Elite monsters in the Wilderness and dungeons, you can craft Legendary items of your choice. The crafted item will have at least 2 Attributes and 2 Affixes, 1 of which is guaranteed to be a Class-Specific Magic Attribute (previously called Magic Affixes). A Skill Stone with at least 3 class-related attributes can also be crafted using these materials.

Sound good to me. Need to see it with my own eyes before I can give an opinion about it.

Essence Loyalty Bonus Changes

The way you extract Essences earned from the Loyalty Bonus has changed. There is no longer a weekly cap for extracting Essences, and you’ll no longer be time-gated from unlocking new Essences when they’re released.

Thank you, although the loyalty point increment per essence unlocked is extremely concerning in a negative way.

Two previously released modifiers are receiving adjustments:

  • Gauntlet: Combat Orbs that boost your speed have been added to get you to bosses faster.
  • Sacrificial Power: Monsters will drop additional Health Orbs.

Should have just removed it completely but ok…


Two additional Waypoints have been added to aid your travel across Sanctuary. Look for the new Waypoints in the Ruins of Sescheron (Frozen Tundra) and the Summit (Mount Zavain).

Good! :+1:

  • Invulnerable phases have been removed from all Helliquary Bosses.


Raid the Vault

The 3-minute cooldown between Raid the Vault matches has been removed. You may now play back-to-back matches.

Hope this will improve more Vault Defense for Immortal to earn the weekly hilts.


  • Wind Walk: Skill has been reworked so that a Tempest is untargetable while inside the cyclone they conjure, but they will not receive increased Attack Speed until they attack or use a skill, which will cause the cyclone (and untargetable status) to dissipate.

Finally! :+1:

Destruction’s Call Zone Event

The Fire of Life Zone Event has been reborn as the new Destruction’s Call Zone Event.

So it is just a revamped new PVP mode for the existing content. Scared me when the leak said it was a new open PVP zone. :laughing:

So, absolutely nothing in there about reducing the Combat Rating requirements for the INF5 5th boss, INF5 Gauntlet, or INF6 open world, dungeons, or raids, i.e. looks like you’re still hard gate-keeping F2P / low spenders from being able to pre-farm INF6 whilst whales already have enough CR to have started this already.

I guess we’ll start to see a resurgence of dungeon groups where one player is on INF1 killing everything whilst the other three players are on INF6 to collect loot, all whilst none of them have the CR to be in INF6.

Oh, and about the new Fractured Planes…

The plane of cognitive mirages has shortened—Fractured Plane will only have 9 floors total, and rewards will be provided every 3 floors. Instead of playing as your character’s class, you’ll be provided with a class to roam the plane. The class you receive will be the same each time during the same event period, but the skills and affixes you encounter will be randomized each run.

I’ve played Barb since day 1 of the game going live. I’ve never wanted to play anything else but now I’m going to have to if I want to do Fractured Planes. Why force people to play classes they never picked?

Some of these events just get worse each time. Between the bugs and changes that aren’t asked for it can be a struggle to complete and this will just make it worse.

“With the release of the Blood Knight class, a version of Fractured Plane called the Crimson Plane was active, between July 13–August 2, 2023. During this version of the event, the player’s build was that of a Blood Knight instead of one for their current class”.

“On the launch of the Unending Storm update, a version of Fractured Plane called The Deluged Plane was active, between May 23 and June 13, 2024. During this version of the event, the player’s build was that of a Tempest instead of one for their current class”.

It would seem that you’ve had to play a class other than the barbarian, at least twice, in the past.

This time, it will have only 9 floors, so it shouldn’t be such a big deal. Besides, it’s not mandatory to complete the event. There are lots of events that I ignore and don’t even try, simply because I don’t like them (all PvP related ones, e.g.).

Yeah, and I didn’t like being forced to play BK or Tempest then either.

I pretty much guarantee that when the tasks refresh in Valiant Guardians, Fractured Planes will have 8 tasks associated with it, forcing you to play it if you want the rewards from Valiant Guardians.

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I’ll agree 100%. With the last time I was able to skip the wild brawl one with all its bugs but with the reduced points this time around I feel it won’t be as easy to ‘skip’ events and still complete the rewards.

It’s still not mandatory. I understand that most F2P or low spenders would want to get all possible freebies that the game can offer, but everyone can keep playing and progressing without completing these events.

Myself (being a low spender), I only play for the things I enjoy or don’t mind doing. Won’t go into something that I don’t like or stresses me only for the rewards. The moment I start thinking of a game in terms of “I need to… I have to…” is the moment I quit and start playing another :smile:

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Demon Hunters get trashed again. We’ll be doing 50% less damage at close range and are nerfed to 10% less, even at range.

Hate is a weak word for what I’m feeling right now.

Rather I think this is more of a buff.
PainSower basically reduced damage by 40%.
But now it will reduce it by 50%~10% depending on range.
50%~40% is a nerf, but 40%~10% is a buff.
Also the Chinese note says that the reduction of the damage taken for ranged classes will increase from 15% to 30%.
I would like to see Demon Hunter become somewhat more comparable to other classes.

I honestly think that trying to keep my distance with the range extensions for skills will make it ineffective. It will be near impossible to ever maintain the distance that gives only 10% reduction. Not that the distance is even mentioned in the patch notes. Maybe it will mimic the Bloody Reach gem? Great, nothing like having to revert to an old 2-star gem while everyones upgrading to the 5’s. This just illustrates how bad providing clarity is from this company.

In BG’s, I am most often CC’d mercilessly. And now, with extended range skills, my enemies will stun and grab me from even greater distances. They then close in on me immediately while I am stunned and unable to shoot. Consequently, my damage goes to 50% reduction immediately even if I recover from the stun locks.

This idea simply does not work well. It’s poorly thought out and circumstances have certainly not been taken into account. Logically, If I shoot you at close range, I should do MORE damage, rather than less. And if I get grabbed, it’s an instant increase to any opponent’s damage to me.

We’re being turned into cannon fodder more than before. I don’t see this being any kind of improvement. And quite frankly, given the developer’s track record of actually making things work as intended has fallen short in many instances. My earnest belief is that this too will not work as intended.

More specific and clear update information is needed.
We will have to wait and see what the percentage reduction is depending on range after the update.
For example, it could be:
0~2 yards 50% reduction
2~4 yards 40% reduction
4~6 yards 30% reduction
6~8 yards 20% reduction
8~10 yards 10% reduction

You’ve given such extreme example like the above before, right?
Of course this can happen, but it’s not all.

They are solidifying the Demon-Hunterish style a bit more.
“Shoot from afar while dodging”
If it does more damage up at close range as you say, then that is more of a problem.
Demon Hunter should not fight up close.
I think this will definitely increase the damage of Demon Hunter in PVE and it will be good in PVP as well.

Looking at it effectively…
Currently, painsower has 40% damage reduction.
That is, 60% of the original damage.
50% damage reduction is 50% of the original damage.
10,20,30% damage reduction is 90,80,70% of the original damage respectively.

50% damage reduction is effectively 50/60=83.3% of the original painsower damage. That is effectively 16.6% damage reduction.
40% damage reduction is effectively 100%.
30% damage reduction is 70/60=116.6%. That is effectively 16.6% damage increase.
20% is 80/60=133.3%. Effectively 33.3% damage increase
10% is 90/60=150%. 50% damage increase

Control skills become more important. Control skills are important for all classes in PVP, but especially for Demon Hunter.
I am confident in increasing the distance from the enemy because I use Painsower with Escape. The playstyle of all Painsower(strafe) players(also all DH players) is to attack while being away from the enemy.

Just tell that you misunderstood it as ‘50%~10% reduction from the DH’s current damage’

For your reference,
From the Chinese update note:

"For the legendary equipment “painsower”,
The fixed damage of 60% of the character’s primary attack and skill damage has been changed to increase as the distance from the enemy increases. When the distance is closest, it deals 50% damage, and when it is over 8m, it deals 90% damage.
For the legendary equipment “Fangspitter”, the maximum attack range has been increased from 7 to 10.

Developer’s Note: We want to maintain and strengthen the Demon Hunter’s position as a long-range damage dealer. Therefore, we have increased the damage ability at long range while reducing the damage in close combat."

Yay, massive lag with the new quest. Haven’t even properly started it (mainly due to lack of time) but just approaching the cart in Westmarch causes the game to choke. Performance is at “seconds per frame” level bad, at least on mobile. Not exaggerating at all, it’s absolutely hideous.

‘People like you’

You enjoy ascribing insults to people in general or just me? Eff you. Don’t reply to my posts troll.

You are saying things that are leading the discussion in an undesirable direction.
When I see your posts, your posts are always so sensitive to the game company and to those who disagree with your posts. Please be more tolerant and peaceful.