Youtuber not being punished for exploiting bugs

I agree, i just dont look at overlays as cheating

There have been minor leveling bugs every season, this seasons doesnt really matter given the time it takes to level. Argument for them getting more cinders, dude with a mindcage on i cant even spend all my cinders anymore lol i run out of chest

Some of the other bugs like duping, blizzard should care but just doesnt and thats sad

Very interesting to say the least. So you don’t condone cheating or going against the rules, yet you actively do so. We call that being hypocritical.

Now I don’t care what other people do in a video game, just found it interesting that you advocate against cheaters, and yet do so yourself.

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well i use overlays aprooved by community and developers, thus im innocent ; - )

d3 buddy or whatever was called was intrusive program detected by blizzards warden and bannable

there is a difference ; - )

Overlays are not approved by Blizzard though. The ToS is very clear about this. Blizzard does not allow ANY third party program, regardless of what it does. They have stated this and have had to reiterate numerous times for all of their games outside of WoW.

Like any third party programs for Hearthstone, we can’t condone or approve of their use. Our Terms of Use don’t allow changing game files or automating game play.

Direct quote from Blizzard regarding Hearthstone Overlays specifically. Basically you’re using it at your own risk. So while they may not ban you for it, as it doesn’t trigger the automated system, it is in fact against their rules.

really ? thanks god i quit heartstone long ago ; - )

wow overwolf is mandatory for addons i agree . try to manuially update addons will make your go bald

about diablo 4, devs have seen what crucial info heltides. com provide and thankfully baked into the game

My main point is you also cheated using a third party program, so in turn, by your own logic, you are in fact a cheater. As cheating is defined as acting dishonestly or unfairly, in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.

Overlays offer a clear advantage over those who do not have them, and seeing as they are not allowed to be used by Blizzard themselves, that is a form of cheating.

As long as you stick to your own logic, that’s perfectly fine.

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well i wasnt proven guilty or banned so

still innocent ; - )

:rofl: Honestly this is the best hypocritical line ever. Hats off to you. I now know what kind of person you are and to not take anything you say seriously. Good luck to you in the future. :+1:


dont treat me like that : - (
im sometimes helpfull !

I’m only treating you like you treat ‘cheaters’. Remember the golden rule.

If cheaters are always cheaters to you, then a hypocrite is always a hypocrite, and you will be treated as such. I’m only following your rules. So again, good luck to you in the future. :+1:

2 Likes :joy: at least d3 team has some balls

Treat you like what, a cheater?

Like you said, once a cheater, always a cheater. :rofl:

I found this endlessly amusing. Watching you calling down to all cheaters, only to admit you’re one yourself, and then request special treatment because you’re “sometimes” helpful. Lmao


I would say 90% of leaderboards and streamer use exploits,i cant be bothered myself.

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I hate that streamer! I hate that streamer with all my soul! Hypocritical bastard! :rage: :triumph:

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Plugging known cheaters and featuring them in their videos? YES.

Unless you think Wyatt Cheng telling people to watch Gabynator was also an excellent PR move.

TBH - if it had been an issue, Blizzard would have patch it immediatley, not added it to the patch notes last week to be fixed today 28.05

Is it a bug or is it a feature thats ending its shelf live in tmr’s patch?

Technically speaking holy bolt elixir is bugged too. Do players drink it bannable? Its maked as season 4 exclusive feature. We players view these 100% unintended but we arent devs. Perhaps they are intended? We dont know.

End of day, Blizzard reserve the rights to determine what is or not breaking CoC, if there are any.

And that is sad. There was a time when the name Blizzard Entertainment could stand on it’s own. And now… Well i guess it’s free advertisement.

speaking of cheating…

i made a sorc since people said it was so horrible and bad (its really not, its way moe fun than s1 sorc - but no where near oh my gawd this is fun as hell s2 ballz sorc). I did the gauntlet or talon or whatever the leader board thing is, i thought wow nice score… so i check the leaderboards the top few chinese named guys are all “hidden” but a few of the very top that are not hidden (they are on console) some gear slots are EMPTY! and some gears are BLUE, is this a joke??? dont tell me that “Jester” guy form d3 playstation hacks got into d4?

poe only has more players because its a free game. People always try to make these claims and fail to see that free always draws more people. PoE also has terrible stability and not even worth playing after a point in end game