Youtuber not being punished for exploiting bugs

Every season there has been some type of in game bug exploit, mostly duping mats. This resulted in many players being permbanned no questions asked. Fair enough its breaks the blizzard coc.

Yet now we have youtubers showing off the infinite wanted level bug in season 4. Which is breaking the coc for exploiting bugs for one, then also allowing them to level up alts for spark extremly quickly, this also break the coc of unfair advantage. Yet the youtuber in question also says in the same video the bug was in the ptr and yet is still taking advatage of it.

Now my question is… is blizzard going to ban these players? Or is it just going to go unseen because of their status?


Streamers? Nothing happens to streamers. If something did happen to one, the resulting flood of crazyness from their followers would make Duriel himself cry in the corner… the internet being what the internet is.

Its unfortunate but it is what it is.


well, its up to blizzard to ban exploiters, or to not ban them. Using any kind of exploit always goes with the risk of getting punished. some exploits, like duped materials got punished, while others dont. thats their right.

however, what one could wish for is a better communication when it comes to these kind of things. "hey guys, situation xy isnt working as intended and we plan on fixing that. Use it while it lasts / dont use it, because we will track people wo did it.

personally, id always kind of try to check the impact of an exploit. faster leveling? yea, doubt there will be bans for that. Exploiting duping methods? yea, say good bye to your account.


Streamers? Bro, this game has like half a dozen of them(not counting those with single-digit views), if Blizz starts banning streamers this game’s online presence is GONE. Forget it.


The infinity “wanted” does very very very little, given the density


bro, wudi was banned in d3 for using some cheat program yet he is the main face of diablo 4 ; -)

you think they have alot streamers to cover this game ? lmao.
even poe have bigger audience. the minute they start to ban unshaved ghoul and ginger german this game be long forgotten

how does it matter? i mean, he got his punishment. should it be forbidden for him to be an activte d4 streamer?


i dont know others but for me
you cheat once = always cheater

it is not forbidden cause this game doesnt have endless paragon board ; - )

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I just see it unfair to ban some players for breaching coc, if you try to appeal its denied instantly with them copying to pasting the coc and saying all players acknowledge terms and conditions before playing. Also says in the coc, breaching the coc will result in harsh punishments. Not permaban. Yet seeing youtubers/streamers not recieve the same treatment just because they are who they are is crazy to me.


It was an overlay that pretty much everyone used and was just creature comforts in reality

i can say that about flask macro in poe
hell yeah is it comfortable ! alot of people use it

but its breaking the rules

allso we dont own diablo 4, they can do what they want with our acc

Flask macro affects gameplay

The overlay literally didnt, it made things more readable, in the cluster of jank these games have become

i dont say im against overlay. i used one for heartstone arena card helper
or for league of legends

but in the end like i said we own blizzard nothing, can get hammered for even overlay

and streamers while abusing bugs and posting them probably reported the issue before
like i did many times. this is on blizzard to fix them

I agree, i just dont look at overlays as cheating

There have been minor leveling bugs every season, this seasons doesnt really matter given the time it takes to level. Argument for them getting more cinders, dude with a mindcage on i cant even spend all my cinders anymore lol i run out of chest

Some of the other bugs like duping, blizzard should care but just doesnt and thats sad

Very interesting to say the least. So you don’t condone cheating or going against the rules, yet you actively do so. We call that being hypocritical.

Now I don’t care what other people do in a video game, just found it interesting that you advocate against cheaters, and yet do so yourself.

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well i use overlays aprooved by community and developers, thus im innocent ; - )

d3 buddy or whatever was called was intrusive program detected by blizzards warden and bannable

there is a difference ; - )

Overlays are not approved by Blizzard though. The ToS is very clear about this. Blizzard does not allow ANY third party program, regardless of what it does. They have stated this and have had to reiterate numerous times for all of their games outside of WoW.

Like any third party programs for Hearthstone, we can’t condone or approve of their use. Our Terms of Use don’t allow changing game files or automating game play.

Direct quote from Blizzard regarding Hearthstone Overlays specifically. Basically you’re using it at your own risk. So while they may not ban you for it, as it doesn’t trigger the automated system, it is in fact against their rules.

really ? thanks god i quit heartstone long ago ; - )

wow overwolf is mandatory for addons i agree . try to manuially update addons will make your go bald

about diablo 4, devs have seen what crucial info heltides. com provide and thankfully baked into the game

My main point is you also cheated using a third party program, so in turn, by your own logic, you are in fact a cheater. As cheating is defined as acting dishonestly or unfairly, in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.

Overlays offer a clear advantage over those who do not have them, and seeing as they are not allowed to be used by Blizzard themselves, that is a form of cheating.

As long as you stick to your own logic, that’s perfectly fine.

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well i wasnt proven guilty or banned so

still innocent ; - )