Yet Another Tempering Topic

Fair to say, that many of us are feeling the burn of bricked items. Not to mention, the obvious bottlenecks from Angelsbreath. 1 event gives us nearly 2 rerolls… yay? Is there anyway the devs can find some compassion to generate a soltuon for an obviously flawed system?

I, like many others, was brought back with season 4 and it hyped me in all the right ways. It made the gear the focus and giving it the ability to make it shine bright with our new affixes could literally define turning points for builds… until we brick it. I know more than not, tempering is really a moment of anxiety coupled with literal dread. People are refusing to work the items and instead choose to sell it, which has now caused a hyper inflation on all equipment because the risk greatly outweighs the reward.

Blizzard there has beem some great ideas on how to combat this system that does not have to result in 80% of the gear found to become blacksmith fuel. And for the love of god, please offer some alternatives to this Angelsbreath problem. Im losing hope in an unrelenting grind to beat the system. Beating the odds to find the gear is difficult enough. No need to punish us any further.

They have been made aware of this with literally thousands of posts, but did so very little to address it at the last campfire. The speaker defended the importance of bricking in this game. That was incredibly demoralizing to think that they might fix the number one issue with the game, and then they not only don’t fix it but then tell you that you are wrong to feel bad.

Simply having an expensive reset option that can only be used on GA items would solve it. Their stubbornness and refusal to fix this problem will eat away at the user base. Only so many times can you get really excited about a great legendary and then see it ruined (30.15% chance to get at least one affix you don’t want) before you’re done.