Yesterday was a game changer for many

I guess age does after all affect us in gaming. I push 40 in literally 2 days.


You might be. I won’t make any assumptions. I just have my doubts.

What are these whataboutisms? Has anyone in this thread been an apologist for the United States? You think people are going to get offended by you pointing out the atrocities committed by the United States?


I will eat and enjoy whatever I want thank you. However if I don’t like something, say coffee for instance, you will not see me in the coffee isle of the local grocery store trying to tell the coffee drinkers how much better tea is.

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if you know anything about POE’s endgame/bosses they arent really ever 1 button.

its same thing as barb mechanic (except you can choose what uses it) where you set it up so that ur best weapon for that skill is used.

I know the bosses are the exception…but it’s not enough.

And yes it’s the barb swap thing…but the barb also has a million incentives to actually use 2 or 3 even skills (Weapon Mastery Key passive).

In PoE you’re rewarded to insane levels for having one skill super maxed.

You can set what you use in D4 too ?! But the choice is … simpler…sure…no skill points moving. Neither change gamplay alone. PoE 2 might have something, D4 definitely has passives and glyphs to ‘make’ you swap weapons (still automatically).

I said the same thing about barb version when they told us what the class mechanic was in 2019-ish.

yes, but POE2 isnt same as POE1.

that may not be case. Time will tell.

My man, he was a singular scientist. That you’re so hyper focused on him, as well as your entire syntax, the wordings and sayings you use.

Yeah but it really doesn’t matter.

The game could fall into a mostly dead mode for the next year and with the right marketing and hype pull people back in “when it’s finally good” lol

True. They already got us once.

So the same thing Tencent told the Warframe team and ruined it within 18 months after 100% ownership.

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They cant watch Winnie the Pooh because of an internet meme and can’t do many things. Maybe you didn’t see the riots that were there less than 6 months ago about it?

Literally nothing he said was racist or ignorant…

It was never illegal though, they won the court case against the EU and US governments stating it was in TOS and it isn’t their fault people can’t read.

This is true. For their own people. China, Russia, Romania, and some other smaller countries, don’t have laws stopping the SELLING of your data like US,EU, and UK do.

Which is the problem with foreign countries having your data, is the lack of protection laws…

You are the one that literally instantly brought up racism… When no one said anything racist.

Their new Privacy Policy literally says “Absent, Information of non chinese nationals” meaning unless you are a citizen of China… those laws dont protect you… That isn’t a race thing, that is a naturalization thing

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You sound like the actual racist here. And if that doesn’t make sense, take your ignorant self somewhere else.

Woa, did you just imply that if someone is in China they must be of a certain race? That’s pretty racist, my dude.

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Ty for that Fire. Ive been rereading my comments, even the trolly ones, just to be sure.

I was actually seriously concerned I was in fact being racist. But I wasnt. I may not have been 100% factual, ill admit i am influenced by the news outlets, but I have always tried to keep a broader view.

Bye !! Can I haz your Stuffs ?

Playing D4 as it was at launch and now. Men At Work - It's a Mistake (Video) - YouTube

Playing Remnant II. Let Out The Beast - YouTube

This is why you never make huge franchise games like Diablo for consoles first, and PC second.

Are you braindead??? Total War by CA and Sega isnt a AAA game? What world are you living in?

Sure, as soon as they implement any decent trading in the game.