Just enjoy all the level 46 drops you get while being level 58-69. I guess.
Any devs care to comment on what the thinking was for this dungeon being accessible pre 70? Also why are there level 45 drops in a 70 dungeon? You guys new?
Ok thanks. $70 > See ya!
The capstone dungeon is a joke. You might need to analyze your build.
Gonna have to agree. I beat that at 57. However i did get 1 tapped by eveeything in wt4 until got some gear.
Sounds like a skill issue bro. You can beat the capstone with a decent build at 60. Sure you will get one shot by a few different attacks on the way but that’s to be expected.
Once you have access to WT3, almost all rare items are trash, just sell/salvage. Same for legendaries, just salvage for their aspect. Don’t bother about their level being too low or whatever.
Only (sacred) rare/legendaries are the ones you’ll be checking for use. They’re of the same level as your character.
Did it at level 66 with my Sever build. Found it to be pretty easy. Maybe a bit easier than the 50 capstone dungeon.
did it at 63 and had no problems at all
This above the capstone. Just tier 6 at level 59. Your capstone is just tier 1. Elitists No Lifer’s here are at tier 20+ by level 70.
I was able to do it at lvl 63 on my summon necro. It was really hard and i died a lot but i did it.
And if they forced you to wait until 70 to do it you would be on here screeching about how they don’t give you the option to at least try to beat it when you think you’re ready to beat it.
This forum really is just a cesspool.
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All the apologists in this thread still not addressing why we are getting lvl 45 loot in lvl 70 dungeons.
I assume its for the masochists. Noones saying you HAVE to do it, but the option is there.
Its an option. Not a bad thing.
Lvl 70 dungeons are an option? Sure, it’s also an option to play video games at all… If your doing lvl 70 dungeons, they should not be dropping lvl 45 loot lol. If we want to take it far enough, life in general is optional.
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Ohhh you meant the loot sorry i thought you meant overall access.
Did it at 62 with my normal CE build, although I did die like 15 times from getting 1 shot by those circles.
Loot should always be within 15 levels of the mob that drops it. Tier just modifying the drop quality. The loot system in D4 is worse than D2 or D3.
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You did your first Capstone dungeon at level 70? I have beaten Tier 1 Capstone dungeon at level 50. Im 60 now fully covered with Sacred level 50 to 59 legendaries with 1x Sacred Unique. I have just beaten Tier 8 and 9 this morning. And i am doing it now casually.
Same, I cleared capstone at 61, then went right back to farming t3 until about 66 after getting my azz handed to me.
stop whining, its annoying
Because many of us cleared it at 60, some before 60.