Xbox Family Share with Single License

My son and I have been using family share on Xbox for years. We have two xbox’s in the same house and I purchase games on my Xbox ID and he can login as his Xbox ID and play the games at the same time as me so we’re playing together on our separate Xbox’s.

For the first time with any game ever, I can’t seem to get this to work with Diablo IV. If I login as my account on one xbox, it will not allow him to login using his xbox tag on the other xbox as it says he does not have a license. Even though that xbox is linked to my license and has the game installed which I purchased.

Now what’s really dumb is that I can login as my name, add him as an additional player using his name, which allows him to create his own character and play along with me. I can even logout as my name immediately after he logs in and he can play forever using just his xbox account. So basically there’s a way to trick the system to allowing this to work but it’s really dumb we have to jump through these hoops to get there. We used to play together on Diablo III on multiple xbox’s, and with literally every other game I own, but this is the first game where it doesn’t seem to work.

I’m hopeful that this is just a bug and can be fixed going forward or maybe others have advice on how to get this to function for us. Like others, there’s no way I’m paying another $90 for him to get his own license just so we can play together in separate rooms when we are able to play together now on separate IDs in the same room. It’s just crazy.

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Early Access is the problem. Wait until actual launch.

Follow that guide. It does work. Just make sure that you log completely out of your account on your son’s xbox after you log out of your in game account on his xbox. I just tested it using my two Xboxs. Let me know if you need any help.

Edit: I see you may have figured this out already. You can run two copies at the same time by jumping through these hoops. It is ridiculous though.

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Thank you artpop! Spread the word and let’s get everyone online!

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Great suggestion, I was just reading this in some other posts as well! We’ll be doing this over the weekend for sure, i just really hope Blizzard can still provide a better fix for the long term going forward as it’s frustrating having to take those steps to get there.

Also, hoping maybe once we’re out of Early access that maybe it will help! Fingers crossed i guess.