Xbox Error code on login 300201

Code 300201, getting error on xbox everytime i try to login. Tried rebooting XBOX closing game and clearning Game Cache then rebooting. Still nothing then tried uninstall and reinstalling game and still getting the same error. If i login with a different xbox account it logs in just fine. How do you fix this?


same issue on series x

Same issue on series S since 5:00 am. Completed same steps cache, uninstall reinstall etc but still no dice. I have seen a couple of other threads saying that they are looking into it as well as it is happening also on Play station . Pretty sure it has to do with what ever server upgrade they just did

Same, tried re-install and that didn’t work. Different profile works so for some reason they messed with a handful of console profiles

Same. Same console, on X series, hubbies account is fine

Devs refuse to respond why this is affecting some profiles.

Same, Same, and its frustrating as it could be. Been since Tuesday now and no resolving the issue. Please just find and fix the issue.

So six posts on top and no answer from them?

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