Just fyi for anyone playing WW and isn’t aware yet, WW snapshots dmg buffs, meaning if you press stuff like rallying cry while spinning, you won’t actually get the dmg buff HOWEVER the fun part is that not only does WW snapshot dmg buffs, it also snapshots your position. Ever wondered why you aren’t doing dmg to elites inside the temporal bubble’s? That’s because you started WW cast outside of it and the game snapshots your position from there.
Now this gets even better! All those conditional mods like dmg to or reduced from close enemies, follow this same snapshot logic. If you spin your way to a mob that’s offscreen you won’t actually get ANY benefit from “close enemy” mods, why? Because the game snapshotted your position the moment you started your WW channel, however in this case all “distant” mods would work. If you wan’t the “close” mods to work, you would have to stop WW channel on top of the mobs and recast it.
Have fun playing this awesome design brought to you by Blizzard 
Interesting. So let’s say I have berserking and start my ww. Will I have all the berserking buffs from my tree etc still active even after the 4 second berserking timer wears off from Warcry as long as I’m still in the same ww?
yea i guess thats exactly why my gohrs gloves procs fire explosion randomly for no damage all the time while chanelling WW with berserkering and other buffs and very often its not even procing at all cause of wrong WW snaphot placement and other bugs. its fubar now and pointless to use those gloves after cause of that.
This is so BAD , stop nerfing and repair things ffs !
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No effing wonder. I couldn’t figure out why I hit like a noodle sometimes, and others I crush it. The ranged mob guys would not be getting it even though I was up on them. Jesus Christ this is just terrible.
I just can’t get over how badly programmed this game is.
Which effects if any aren’t affected by this? Do Damage vs Bleeding/Slowed/Etc. apply, or would you have to stop whirling, then start up again now that they’re suffering whatever Crowd-Control?
Does Vulnerable even work with it?
I’ve played almost exclusively HotA so far on my Barb, so I haven’t had the exposure to WW to notice these things really.
This is an easy +1 thanks for the info.
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Thank you for this post, this makes a huge amount of sense, as I experienced exactly what you meant by the circle/bubble mobs.
Especially suppressors, if I WW to them from offscreen I did no dmg whatsoever. However, if I reset my shouts, did my 3 basic attacks to proc aspect for more dmg then restarted WW inside the bubble I would do Massive amounts of more dmg.
This game is so strange and broken.
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My man!!! Amazing info. I was sooo angry when i couldn’t deal damage to a bubbled elite. Had no idea why. Now know why sometimes i do damage and sometimes i don’t.
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does this include the 45% buff from walking arsenal? you don’t have to renew it?
This kills off the violent whirlwind enhancement and dire whirlwind aspect. Gotta start building that extra crit. chance and damage all over again.
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Curious if that aspect even works given the snapshotting mechanic. The crit chance is supposed to increase while whirlwind is being channeled, but everything else seems to be based on when you start spinning.
this works 100%. The difference in crit chance is huge after channeling above 1 second
“Curious if that aspect even works given the snapshotting mechanic. The crit chance is supposed to increase while whirlwind is being channeled, but everything else seems to be based on when you start spinning.”
Shouldn’t blizz confirm or deny this pretty f-ing quickly?
Thank you for thé information, that explains lots of things.
exactly. everything seems kinda pointless and broken like close/distant damage buff on gear since it just doesnt work well with long WW spins and its snapshot mechanic. i bet it works the same for any other damage buff/debuff too.
Figured out the suppressor one after enough runs but had no idea about the damage from close enemies issue. Makes sense. Thanks for the info OP.
Probably best to avoid any damage to close or ranged stats and just stick with the +damage to bleeding/slow/core skill ones from now on.
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yikes…no wonder WW does much more damage when I restart it on top of the suppressor (bubble mobs). This is a stupid design decision…
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can we finally get a feedback from blizzard regarding this? stuff like that makes me super angry!
HOLY crap… i was wondering why my Whirlwind feel so freaking inconsistent in damage… WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS? So i basically have to re-whirl everytime i do something?
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