Wow has a better quest menu/tracking than D4

Ok half truth. With addons WoW quest tracking is leaps and bounds ahead of D4.

Yes I understand D4 is multi platform. It shouldnt be. So please get a decent quest tracking function.

Also make me able to remove all sidequests from sight. Dont want to see a million sidequests that are not rewarding to do.

iuno, im personally fine with the quest menu.
WoW is a different game, which infinitely more quests that d4 offers, hence why i personally dont really see a big need for that to be honest.

The few quests you have to do are pretty straight forward here.

as for quests you dont want to track:
you can click on quests in your quest journal to track, or untrack them, and you can also completely abandon them

Go back to OG Vanilla WoW and no not “Classic” the quests back then made you have to read to know where you needed to go. There was no fairy dust trail with an air traffic dual wielding light cone person telling you where to go.

Also what is with the influx of people hating on multi platform?