Would/do you let your kids play Diablo?

I played a TON of Diablo as a kid and I turned out great.

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I let my 10 year old play it. He lost interest after about 3 hours of gameplay. He is more into the nintendo games. I think those are better for kids.

Diablo II came out when I was 14, but I did play a lot of Wolfenstein 3D in elementary school… and pokemon and mario… but also wolfenstein. And the seawolf PC game. A young child should know how to sink merchant shipping and destroyers from a nuclear powered submarine as early as possible. Also how to kill satan.


My kid just play resident evil, warframe…he played d4 and got bored in just 1 day. Same to me heheehh

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Kids belong to Gen Z, we call them Zoomers.

They have no patience on video games. They are easily overwhelmed. And they gave up easily. They dont have patience to groom up their toons … spend time to it to improve. They would rather play something else if it gets complicated.

My nephew saw me play a Mythic+15 on WoW. He asked me on how do I manage to react when there’s too much stuffs going on the screen. He also saw me destroy NM100. He was like confused on how I handle too many overwhelming monsters trying to break me.

I told him that I could teach him but it would take time. He said that it would take forever to learn that. He said he would rather play simple games not the games I am playing.

Oh well.

Those who whine too much on these forums are Zoomers. No wonder they hate this game so much.


i dunno if your analogy tracks. you can also look at games like fortnite which the “zoomers” excel at and it isnt just an fps but they build stuff at the same time. doing crazy multiple things at the same time and are no scope headshotting at times. i mean there are those that are lazy, but there are those that have next level skills and would scoff at your supposed accomplishments. to label an entire generation based on one person is quite the stereotyping.


I played WoW for 20 years now and also Diablo when they come. Every party gathering with my relatives, i talk to them about these games. One time, i asked them why do you guys dont play WoW? Is it a bad game? I asked them, also about their boyfriends, girlfriends, their classmates regarding WoW. All of them agree that the game is very good, in fact it is very addicting. But they dont want to get hooked to it becoz they dont want to render a big part of their time on the game. They said playing WoW is a lifestyle where it would consume your time for it. They rather spend their time on something else not on videogames.

I built a very powerful gaming pc as good as mine for my daughter. I thought she would like to play with me on my games when she grew up. Nope, she converted that pc into movie/photo studio editing pc and stole my DLSR camera. Oh well.

Nope, majority of them dont play WoW or Diablo but they all played Fortnite… not that serious though.

I use a different approach. My kids get 2 hours on the PS5 for every 1 hour they spend farming for me. They actually fight over the PC to get time in and I reap the benefits!


I think what you meant to say is to label one person due to how an entire generation generally functions is stereotyping?

A stereotype is a widely held, simplified, and essentialist belief about a specific group.

not to be overly semantic.

Or am I getting this wrong myself?

Taking one person then applying it to the whole group would be almost the very opposite?

actually labeling an entire generation as lazy would be considered a stereotype. he generated this stereotype because he interacted with a person of that generation that he deemed lazy and therefore believes they all are.

My daughters grew up on D1 and D2, but mostly D2. They swapped between that and the Sims. So they love the franchise to this day.

If he wants to, why not. I will be very interested in teaching him some strategies and tactics that would help him later in his life whether in gaming or other things.

It’s also a great way to bond with your kid (again if he wants to).

Okay, i just don’t see how someone sees one person then is able to stereotype the whole group, but I guess it does happen.

I’m used to seeing it the other way around mostly.

Depends on how old they are and hell no.

My kids are too young for the gore and horror, so absolutely not for that reason.

Even greater than that though is i’ve spent maybe… 6+ years in total maining blizzard games, and having some perception of how they use psychology, addiction and gambling as core pillars of their game design…

Not a freakin chance you’re getting anywhere near my kids, get off my &(&(*& lawn :stuck_out_tongue:

As a lifelong gamer who is getting my kids into games already… id rather see them go outside and play sports… ugh… rather than play blizzard games (and mmo’s in general).


I played video games as a kid, but I also did lots of other things. I think games like this and in general today, require more time than is healthy from a developing child. So no, I would not let my imaginary kids play a game like this, meant to keep you online and on their platform in an unhealthy manner.

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it’s about moderation and balance, which we lack today.

when I played games in the 80’s it was for 2 hours at a time max on the apple 2 gs, or my atari 600xl, then outside to ride bikes with friends, and go to the neighborhood hangout.


“Son, you’re waking up at 4 pm, and you went to sleep at the crack of dawn. You never left the basement for over the last week except to get food. Thank god we have a bathroom down there. Come out and get some fresh air, we miss you.”

“But dad, all my classes are online, and I’m in a comp game right now, it’s ranked so I can’t go up now. In about 20 minutes.”

20 minutes later…he boots the next comp game up.

Dad then logs onto discord. Types, “How much longer?”

Response, “Sorry, I forgot after this comp game, I’ll come up. Give me 20-40 minutes.”

20-40 minutes later…another comp game gets started up…lol.

BTW, I turn off the internet to the house at 10 pm on weekdays and 1 am on friday/saturday night to the kids.

I would argue children don’t understand moderation, because they are children. It is the parents’ role to intervene. I mean in an age where games (among other things, this applies to social media as well) are geared to hook you, and even adults spend way too much time on games, how can any sane parent risk leaving this relationship just between advertiser and their child.

Growing up and watching animals dragged screaming through the streets and getting butchered in front of me and me sometimes helping in the slaughter, to feed the neighborhood on a regular basis, yea i’d say D4 is pretty tame and would be totally fine with children playing it. If you’re a psycho, not playing D4 wont do a damn thing.

Would I let my kids play Diablo 1 or 2 god no, would I let my kids play d3 or d4 the simple answer is yes because they are pg 13 games at the worst. The only thing not children friendly about d3 or d4 is the chatting, but thats any blizzard game and their inability to hire chat mods.


More words!!!