Would like to see a Bard class

Hellfire wasn’t developed by Blizzard though.

It was developed by Sierra, which at the time was a subsidiary of Vivendi with permission to do so due to the Blizzard North team working on Diablo 2. Personally, I disliked Hellfire, and glad Blizzard North didn’t devote resources to it.

Either way, my point still stands: all classes except Bard have appeared in subsequent Diablo titles. And even then, Assassin (D2), Demon Hunter (D3), and Rogue (D4) can be considered as the modern D1 Bard / spiritual successors as they have similar features and gameplay mechanics.

Bard in D1 used 2x 1h Weapons, high Dexterity, and had the utility skill to identify items w/out scrolls (or Cain).

Barbs need a massive NERF.