Would like to see a Bard class

Sounds good to me! Maybe some KISS style cosmetics too!

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I hate the idea of a goofy Bard class in a dark fantasy game, that class is so high fantasy. I likenthe idea of an assssin in disguise, but the magikal musical powers is off putting for me, in a Diablo like enviromnet. Also, the Diablo universe allready has an order of assassins.

Decent? Lol. Bard was the most overpowered thing in the game. I could kite entire zones and had macros set up to twist songs. Could also Charm Elite enemies that would destroy everything. The buffs were insanely good (Haste, Movement Speed, Mana Regen etc.)

I hope it is fat, because people talk about those classes the most.

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How a bard class would really play out in combat:

Takes out his guitar.

Fat Bard

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All of a sudden I have a picture of Jack Black & Tenacious D.


Lies. A bard could work in WoW. But of course it would be combat-oriented like all of Blizzard’s classes. In a lot of games (especially in the past) a priest was a supporting class, unable to last long by itself, but they made one that could solo and not be super weak in combat (and actually have combat abilities) while also being a healer and providing support.

Basically, whenever Blizzard creates a class, it is beefed up from the jump and able to solo and kick a$$ regardless of its usual nature in other games.

Most people seem to have in mind Jaskier as a Bard but seem to forget that the Doof Warrior in Mad Max is also a Bard which is befitting Diablo 4.

This is Diablo 4 we are talking about…

Nothing is more out of place than a support class in D4.

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You said a bard would never make it into WoW or Diablo.

Playing a bard in a dark and hellish fantasy setting just doesn’t sound appealing to me.

Once the Paladin is in, add whatever characters you want Blizz.

I just hope I can replicate a Retribution 2hander sword style Paladin at some point.

With all the trading coming down the line, the next class is going to be The Accountant.

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This is my sentiment on Bards too. Bards are arguably the dumbest class. I cannot think of another class that would offer less. Nothing strikes fear in enemies more than a dude playing a lute. I cannot help but think of the D&D movie when Chris Pine plays the lute and goes into skipped record mode.

That’s a great scene and movie…

That said, I hate the entire concept of bards. First thing that comes to mind is the bard in Witcher that’s a wimp and typically has to be saved like a damsel in distress. Music magic is lame. I see them requested all the time in WoW, and my response is always, “Why that and not a tinker/mech/steampunk type gun/tech class?”

I’d be happier with a Demon Hunter or pure Archer type class, but I think Rogue is the closest we’re going to get.

I would rather smash a demon in the face with a battle axe, putting them to sleep with ASMR will not do.

Guru of Spreadsheet.

No, you can’t seduce Diablo.
