Wonder how Bobby feels about devs saying ‘go play something else”?

Blizz could SHUTDOWN Diablo 4 like right now… bring the servers down and just call it quits… they still made profit and can walk away considering this a success…

Like they have NO incentive at all to honestly put any foot forward let alone their best when it comes to how they plan to treat this game down the line and its players…

This is why if the game had a monthly sub, you would hear VERY different things coming from the devs.

Expect them to really make some sweeping changes in the 6-8 months leading to the release of the first expansion, though. “They really fixed the game” as they try to sell us the next 100 dollar early-access bait and switch.

I mean. Yoshi P said this and people praised him for it. They aren’t trying to lock down your time.

Yeah I already have seen this movie with New World.

The devs can whisper sweet nothings into our ears all they want… at this point I honestly wont buy into any of it tell the community gets their hands on it and gives it a pass.

Devs today are the new door to door salesmen, you essentially can’t trust a single thing these clowns say anymore.

Bobby cares about short term revenue gains and the quick cash grabs.

Candy crush, Diablo immortal, reskinned CoD games are the future.

Games like StarCraft and Diablo that don’t have subscriptions or quick and profitable monthly revenue sources are the absolute back burner.

Yeah, no. It’s not banned everywhere, especially a decade ago. Stop making things up.

“It’s not our fault you’re not having fun. Maybe try something else for a bit while we try to build fun into the price of admission?”

All I had to know about this company. A theme park without rides.

While taking a break for health and mental reasons is a very good idea…

When you say “take a break” because your game is still in the works and there’s nothing left to do in it, that is called an excuse, not a health suggestion.

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“Bobby feels” i don’t think that even possible

I honestly don’t think this is bad advice. It is good to be more than a 1 game individual.

I do think that the missing QoL features are really driving a knife into this game.

My 86 barb is getting kind of boring and only really has minor upgrades available via gear. This is ok, the game always devolves into this.

I would like to try any of the other classes, but frankly have no space to put anything. The lack of filter makes inventory management a nightmare. The gear being character level parity with main’s character level means you can’t build up a starter set for the alt.

I would like to keep playing. I wasn’t ready to put it down. I feel compelled to though, because the game was not ready for launch.

At least the S1 will introduce a brand new bank on seasonal realm, which should be good for 1 more class.

What is a boomer for you?

I dont need boomers.

that’s exactly how modern arpgs work, you play for a while each season until you hit the cap of the ratio of improvement/time you’re willing to endure.

and come back next season

and of course you spend money each season on the bp and/or cosmetics, once you did bobby doesn’t care if you play 10 or 1000 hours

Well in truth that is how an ARPG is suppose to work. The problem is the Developers made leveling take 10 times longer than other ARPGs.

For comparison, in a normal league start in PoE by day 2 the racers have reached endgame, worked though enough to get some good items to trade, then re-rolled the long term character they want to play and have hit lvl 80+. They do that in the first 2-3 days. Of coarse they are not done by day 3, but they are normally done by the start of week 4. I think 18 days is the normal big boom of player before we start to see real decline in player retention for that league.

But people who really like the game will keep playing all the time, for the whole season. But I think you might see an 75 - 80% drop off by half way through the 12 week league.

We’ve already bought the game. No more positive cash flow is going to be made unless we buy battle passes or premium currency. From a business perspective, as long as they make a profit and don’t have a mass refund the game’s a success. The Battle Pass system is an attempt to create a revenue stream.

In my opinion, after you bought the game the big bosses don’t care about you if you aren’t spending more money. The devs may care as they may have a sense of pride/reputation, but the top management is the one calling the shots.

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While I agree, they absolutely could. But realistically, that would be a giant mistake on their part. One, it would open them up to a class action lawsuit, and two, they would lose too much of their player base.

Lmaoooooooooooooooooo dumbest response yet. Yes dumber than this one. Good job.

I’ve given this some thought, and you are mostly right. Except, not just regular SoJs. Occy SoJs. :slight_smile:

Lol this gaming addict thinks he is narcing out the dev suggestion to his boss (Bobby) as some sort of leverage? Freaking hilarious.

I’m also a bit confused as to what role age has in this discussion.