Wolf Companion Testing after June 27th Patch

All Tests are perfomed on white mobs over the course of 2hours at level 94 using the ‘Wilds’ glyph after the June 27th Patch and with the Storm Companions unique Pants which make them deal lightning damage and gain the ‘Storm’ and ‘Nature Magic’ Tags.
The Tempest Roar Unique making Base Storm Skills also Werewolf Skills.
The Alpha Aspect Turning them into Werewolves gaining 100% damage increase and the ability the deal rabies.
The Natures Savagery Aspect making Werewolf Skills function as Storm skills and Werebear Skills function as Earth skills.
The Symbiotic Aspect Making the Natures Fury key passive reduce the cooldowns of the opposite type by up to 8 seconds when it is triggered.
The Runeworkers Conduit Aspect which makes critical strikes with storm skills periodically produce lightning bolts in the area around you.
The Mighty Storm aspect which makes Storm Skills also able to proc the ‘Earthen Might’
Key Passive.
The Natural Balance aspect giving ‘Earth’ skills crit damage after the use of a ‘Storm’ skill
and ‘Storm’ skills crit chance after the use of a ‘Earth’ skill.
The Wildrage aspect giving companions the benefits of ‘Beastial Ramapge’ key passive.

Having all these Uniques/Aspects on, the wolves cannot/dont:

Proc the ‘Natures Fury’ passive even though they inherit ‘Storm’ as a tag.

Proc ‘Earthen Might’ key passive even though they inherit ‘Storm’ as a tag.

Proc Runeworkers Conduit Aspect even though they inherit ‘Storm’ and ‘Nature’ as a tag and do lightning damage.

Dont count as werewolves for any proc purposes with Natures Fury/Lupines Feroicity even while using the ‘Alpha’ Aspect which turns them into werewolves (note it does not give them the ‘werewolf’ tag).

Dont gain increased crit chance from the ‘Natural Balance’ Aspect.

Gain anything from the ‘Tempest Roar’ unique helm.

They Do:

Proc the ‘Natural Balance’ Aspect.

Recieve reduced cooldown from ‘Natures Fury’ while wearing ‘Storms Companion’ unique pants.

Gain the benefits from the ‘Wildrage’ aspect but only if you are shifted into one of the forms meaning that the wolves themselves cannot proc the werewolf part of the ‘Beastial Rampage’ aspect even while using the ‘Alpha’ aspect.

After this testing the wolves only gain/count as anything listed for the above 2 things but cannot proc/gain benefit for everything else.
So why have them in the skill tree at all or make all these unique/legendary affects for them but not have them actually do anything.
When if at all is this being looked at.
I should also note that almost any late game build is doing hundreds of thousands of damage and in some cases millions/10s of millions of damage and yet even with all these things the wolves are struggling to kill even a single white mob of my level.
My suggestion would be completely overhaul how companions even work give us something similar to Necromancer with having them on one button as we are giving up huge utility and survivability for having them on the bar ie: have them all use their abilities on traget mob/area using the single key.
Massively up their scaling from our stats, if they get them at all it is not even close to being enough you could straight up triple or more of the scaling and it still wouldnt be enough to get anywhere near what other endgame builds are doing. This could be done using nodes in the tree/paragon board to increase damage (not just skill damage) that they do and survivability just as the necromacer has. Change all the companion damage aspects to not only affect skill damage but passive damage that they do also.
Replace one of the Key Passives to inherently be about companions, having the ‘Wildrage’ aspect make the ‘Beastial Rampage’ key passive affect companions is both not enough of a buff and a wasted apsect/keypassive. Remove/change it to already affect them without needing the aspect and change what it does ie: for every companion you have both you and your comapnions gain damage/damage reduction and cc time reduction as a percent per companion. This would help alot with the issue of having 3 keys of our bar gone and reward a full companion build.

I dont know/think anyone from blizzard would read this but getting the word out of what is/isnt affecting the wolves and ideas for companions in general would help people trying this out alot. Before anyone states just play Necromancer if you want to do a pet build Diablo 2 had Necromancer/Druid and both could do a pet build. It is early in the game life for Diablo 4 and i dont believe it is blizzards intention for druids to not have a companion build just that it isnt working/scaling at the moment thus the need for posts like this.

Testing Thorns to figure out what stats they gain from us shows from a total of 654 on sheet thorns and increasing its value by 83.5% (the total skill increase i gain from my willpower 835) we would get 1200 thorns value assuming it gets the full value from the willpower gain.
Testing on a white mob of my level (95)
Myself getting hit results in 901 damage almost an exact 25% decrease in damage returned.
Wolves getting hit results in 102 damage lets assume they are also getting a 25% reduction on the thorns they return. So what value would they have to inherit from the original 1200 that i get to be getting a 102 return in damage. If someone is better at maths please step in here there is proberbly an easy way but i had to trial and error percentages until i got a number which would allow for the same 25% reduction to equal the 102 damage the wolves return.

11.3% of 1200 is 135.6 if we then take the same 25% off of 135.6 we get 33.9.
135.6 - 33.9 = 101.7 Assuming it is rounded up as the game wont display a decimal number for damage.

So atleast for thorns the wolves inherit 11.3% of the stat. We do have to ignore damage reductions for now but we need to have a working point of what they inherit to start with so 11.3% it is.


Awesome testing, I’m currently a lvl 100 druid doing a full on companion build. While the passive damage is absolutely dog and in no way shape you should rely on it. My actually skill dmg with the wolves is not bad at all. Just my base tooltip right now for werewolf jump with storms companion is 130k-160k.

It still falls incredibly short compared to meta builds but it’s a start, they definitely need to be upped. I can confidently say right now I can only quickly and efficiently clear lvl 85-90 nightmare dungeons in terms of farming.

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Does the “Wildrage” aspect even do anything?

I have tested with two weapons with identical attack power, no affixes that would affect companion damage.
One has the aspect, one does not.

I shift into werebear and get the damage buff.
The tooltip numbers with the aspect go up +30%.
The tooltip numbers without the aspect go up +30%.

So is the Wildrage aspect actually doing anything for companion damage?
If there is a +25% attack speed with werewolf form, I’m having a hard time visually seeing that because the werewolves do random swipes and shreds…


Haha my bad I definitely DO NOT mean tier 85-90 nightmare dungeon keys. Lvl 85-90 mob level, so uhh basically tier 30-35. I can go up to 50 but you just run into so many problems and it gets really slow. One of the worst things as I’m sure most people who have tried this is just your werewolves just literally die and get clobbered to death.

Other issue with my build is because i am so heavily focused on buffing companion damage I’m leaving myself little to no room at the moment for defensive affixes.

I’m not entirely keen on pushing to nightmare dungeon 100, I was playing werenado but honestly I just got so bored of it. Just gonna sit and wait and hope blizzard gives us our good old classic D2 minion druid build.


The wolves gain the benefits from both the attack speed and damage i had to stand and let them hit white mobs to see any differance though.

Just out of curiosity diggy, have you tested Edgemasters on companion passive and skills?

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Yeah this was my thoughts also having them die since they have no real defences and stop being able to do damage compared to many others build then addon us losing the slots themselves because each companion takes up a slot its makes it so hard to scale into higher tears of mobs/dungeons/content.

This is exceptionally frustrating for those wanting to play more of a companion build. The tooltip for this aspect doesnt specify that YOU have to shapeshift for your wolves to get the bonuses.

The more excellent data like this comes to light, the more people can realize how unfinished the Druid class was. So many aspects just downright are dont work because they apparently didnt have time to make sure they did.

Well, cant expect much from a small indie studio


I havent tested that as of yet i would guess it only affects the actual skill cast of the companion so up to a 20% increase to the cast of the damage not affecting the passive part at all but of course wont know until tested.

I just did another test with Wildrage, using alpha aspect werewolf companions.
WT1, boring lvl 50 white mobs.

As I mentioned previously, the TOOLTIP damage changes are identical.
+30% damage on the wolf tooltip with or without wildrage equipped.

I maul the air to stay in werebear form and trigger the damage passive.
For my wolves, the on-screen numbers that pop up as they attack went DOWN after equipping wildrage.
Without wildrage: 2500-3500
With: 1000-1500

Edit: Hmmm. I’ll have to find more alphas to try other gear slots. I’ve gone naked, taken off all skill points I could down to wolves, and my damage on mob is still going down after wildrage+bestial rampage procced, despite what the tooltip says.
Further, shouldn’t the tooltip also be going up once for bestial rampage (general druid increase) and then up once again with wildrage aspect?
Companions have been such a buggy mess since the alpha and continue so.


Yeah it does seem very silly thats why i want them to remove ‘Beastial Rampage’ entirely and just give us a specific Companion key passive we already have a werewolf one ‘Lupine Feroicity’ and a werebear one ‘Ursine Strength’.


Thank you for testing

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Just did a quick test.

Wildrage Off Not Procced:
Tooltip Passive:859-1050
Tooltip Active:12122-14815
On Mob Passive:106-154
On Mob Actual:1900-2170

Wildrage Off Procced:
Tooltip Passive:1117-1365
Tooltip Active:15758-19260
On Mob Passive:114-154
On Mon Active:1500-2200

Wildrage On Not Procced:
Tooltip Passive:867-1060
Tooltip Active:12234-14952
On Mob Passive:115-150
On Mob Active:1500-2000

Wildrage On Procced:
Tooltip Passive:1127-1378
Tooltip Active:15904-19438
On Mob Passive:150-220
On Mob Active:2700-3300

Thats just 5/5 and 3/3 Call of the Wild passive in the skill tree no ‘Wilds’ Glyph at my level on World Tier 4. If i had to guess i would imagine the weapon affects the damage more then just the tooltip shows on the weapon,i did my test using gloves with very similiar stats. I think the woilves must be getting some kind of scaling from our stats but it is very low not the 30% that necromancer get and it may not be raw damage that we get would need to test other things for that. But they are getting affected on Actual damage from werebear damage increase of Beastial Rampage using the Wildrage Aespect.


This thread needs to stay at the top where the devs can see it.

There are some clear issues that just dont work and need fixing

There are some clear issues that the devs need to re-evaluate and possibly give details explaining.


since the open beta companions were buggy and non functioning, they still are, and im pretty sure it happens with a lot of skills, aspects and classes i hope updates in the future are more focused on cheking how skills are really working in-game and FIXING instead of adding a bit of damage here and there


The difference between the tooltip and the actual damage is insane. There is no way it is working as intended with those numbers


The pets really need serious work.

At present they are useful as support for tanking, buffing the core skill, applying rabies/poison, cc and vuln, but it’s such a shame that they only do that, and that so much is dedicated for that purpose. They should benefit from the multiple things that you’d think would work with them, as mentioned by OP.

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tldr version please?


Very short version is wolves in almost every aspect be that with items or base are very bad/broken and have no scaling or survivability as you get into higher tiers of content.


Agreed, and thank you!