I can’t assign twilight ward into the socket. Also, Piranhado is not working… Looks like the entire witch power is bugged and failing hard as we speak. This is really disappointing!!!
That happened to me a few days ago, I really liked having it with my build. Hopefully the devs got this.
“Update 2/14 - We have a fix ready that will go live with 2.1.2. If all looks good, we’ll reenable Twilight Warding with the update.”
Just patched 2.1.2. and jumped in to play. Guess all didn’t look good as the above patch notes implied, just tried to enable Twilight Warding on my barb and it still hasn’t been reenabled for use.
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Well, just jumped back in to play a little tonight again, it’s finally baaaaaaccck … nice, now Twilight Warding can actually be added to the enabled witch powers and it is definitely working … my barb is a very happy camper
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