Will Blizz change Uber farming in S3?

It’s rife with RMT (people in game not only talk about it openly but recommend you to do it yourself) and the content itself drives people to it simply because it’s a huge chore that “needs” to be done, not to mention that we have a leaderboard starting from S3 onwards.

*This is for Uber farming only and not Unique target farming.

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well we have to wait for the campfire chat on s3 to know for sure. I would assume it stays tho, as it even moved over to eternal, which by definition should stay unchanged except they apply a permanent change.

either way, rmt will stay. every competitive game suffers from it. Theres pretty much no way to get rid of it without punishing the legit players by removing almost every options. So yea, i wouldnt worry about it too much and just be happy whenever someone claims to have been “innocently banned again even tho he just had 4 billion gold” :wink:

Also, the leaderboards will make it even easier to see if people get banned :wink: Was just the same in d3. lol.

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Blizz can minimize it by changing how the system works, and that’s actually what this thread is about. It can be a small change (e.g. disabling Duriel mats trade and you can’t see people’s drops) or a complete rework (moving Uber farming to another content or reworking Duriel).

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in that case they would sell group invites to duriel runs. Even if uber uniques would just drop for the party owner, secure ilvl 925 gear is still a huge and unfair advantage.

dont get me wrong, im totally on board with you that rmt people are annoying as hell.

But yea, to totally get rid of it, youll have to punish legit players.

Remove group play, remove trading, remove this, remove that etc etc etc.

Removal is just an example, you still have the system rework option.

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id assume a stronger observation of trading behaviour and fast bans would be the best solution. Step up the Eula enforcement game :smiley:

(of course also be fast to unban, incase one of the rare unjust bans does happen)

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Here is the thing, Uber farming is in it’s current state due to 3 reasons:

  1. It’s the only source of 925 gear.
  2. Low drop rates for uber unique items.
  3. Bosses are way too easy.

Now imagine you address these points:

  1. More locations that drop 925 will make other activities viable for farming.
  2. The last two points can be addressed with one simple solution. A harder version of the boss (higher EHP achieved either by dmg reduction buff for the boss or just plain HP scaling ) where people have to actually go through the mechanics instead of one shoting them, that has guaranteed uber unique drop chance.

If they add some uber uniques to Lilith that would be cool too.

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An ‘air dryer’… facepalms

Hopefully they change it so SSF players aren’t getting hosed.

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Be careful what you wish for. Knowing Blizz they will increase the mats needed to fight the boss and reduce the sources to obtain it. Spreadsheet balancing will occur once they determine the exact number of uniques and Uber uniques dropped this season and how that correlates to time spent in game and adjust things to keep us in the 120-150 hour mark for completing seasonal content.

RMT will always exist in games, even ones that don’t have an in game currency, now you can try and minimize the impact they have, but let’s be honest, it’s not the fact that they sell their services, it’s the fact people buy them. Without a demand for these services they wouldn’t exist. You don’t see people buying a toilet that just backs up and clogs every time you use it, because obviously there is no demand for it.

The other issue is the fact accounts are flagged for ban waves, then completely wiped away once the ban wave happens, the RMT’s buy another copy, get another account, and the cycle continues. Helps against the botters so they don’t figure out what part of their bot program flagged their accounts. It sucks it has to be done this way, and it would be nice if bans were given out much quicker, but I understand why they aren’t.

Now will changes be made? Possibly, who can say. We’ll need a live stream/campfire before we get any details about what’s going on S3, which I have no doubt will happen a week before S3 launches as per the norm. In the meantime if you can find a solution to the problem and prevent RMT from even happening you’d be a rich man, I think you’d have an easier time curing cancer, but stranger things have happened.

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This thread is actually not about RMT, but the Uber farming system drives people into RMT (hence the title).


You can say many things drive people to RMT, I would disagree the farming system would drive people to RMT, and without accurate numbers of people who RMT and those who pay for their services versus the actual player base we won’t ever know how much of an impact they have on the game. Now we can make assumptions, and many people do on these forums, but the reality is people are grasping for straws.

If a person feels compelled to visit an RMT site to pay for services that’s on them. I don’t feel compelled personally and I would say the majority of the player base probably don’t either or the past ban waves would see a lot more people complaining in the forums. I also don’t feel compelled to go rob a bank because I don’t have a lot of money, just depends on the person.


Pretty sure there’s gonna be changes. One thing I am confident is they will provide other avenues of getting Uber uniques and 925 items besides Duriel.

I hope Blizzard will have a better way of tracking people who buy mats via RMT, and group runs would require each one to have mats to summon.

My dream is NM 100 dungeons will have the same drop rate as Duriel and provide other ways to get Uber uniques.


There is nothing wrong with the system its fast to get mats. If RMT exist some will gravitate to it. Yes you can make the mats untradable but ppl would just pay for runs as someone has already said.

If they remove mats they would need to adjust drop rates from 2% to like 0.03%. You would essentially be doing meph runs although im not apposed to that I dont think players could not handle actually having rare drops in the game.

Sommoning mats is the middle ground I guess. People begged for target farming so here we are.