Will be runes accessible for those who did not buy VoH?

One of the crucial changes - mythic uniques can be baught only with runes now.

And I try to understand, is it possible to buy these uniques without the extension.

No runes will not be accessible to those without VoH.


Yeah, runes are VOH only but you may have misunderstood something, mythics can still be baught with sparks the rune thing is just an extra option.


Edit, wrong info. /20char

Except for runes this is true.


Dam so they locked mythics that they are starting to prioritize in doing endgame content and crucial to have in most builds behind a pay wall? Hahah these devs are so bad

Oh, noes! You mean we have to pay for a game in order to play it? :scream: :sob:


I doubt it’s the Dev’s. More like the money people.

They “lock” nothing.
Vessel of hatred is the future of D4.
It’s the new standard game version.
When you are not willing to pay the low price for the expansion, you have to deal with content that is expansion-only in the future!

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No you can still get mythics in all the same ways as you can now, even if you don’t buy VoH. But they added 1 more way, with runes, which is for VoH only.


No. They will not be. So, if you want to be competitive in The Gauntlet you best fork over some more dollars.

I wonder how the limitation to VoH owners will works. Players without the Xpac won’t be able to access the new map regions where the Runes can be farmed but Runes are tradable. Does it mean there will be a mechanism preventing them from trading for Runes? Just curious about how it is going to work.

hopefully runes can be traded to the people that do not buy the xpac.

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that will be the next thing people can cry about. hoping for runes to be tradeable to non xpac purchasers.


I’m not going to make that thread, maybe (Iggi?) can ask that question though.

honestly doubt its worth the effort. Why would they say they are VoH exclusive if you could just trade them to non VoH players.

i mean, not like blizzard isnt known for their occasional oversight, but even if that was a thing, you could be damn sure that it would be fixed pretty fast.

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if they are ramping (core)eternal up/down in prep for VoH, then surely the devs have thought it might be a source of abrasion.
(aside from it being a QoL/selling point)

It would make perfect sense that non VoH owners cannot get the Runes through trading. Just curious how this could be implemented in the game. Maybe they will be able to trade them but not socket them in the gear of their builds. Would be a more vicious approach.

could be. Eventually socketing the runes is tied to a quest in the VoH area.

My guess: if a VoH player is trading with a base game player, and tries to give them a rune, it’s going to just show a message saying “this item can’t be traded” (probably with a generic “I can’t do that” voiceline), and not say why that item can’t be traded.
(probably does this already if you try to trade an account-bound item; I haven’t checked, though)

Kinda like when I go to the blacksmith and try to click on “salvage all junk”, but forgot to mark my stuff as junk: It just says “that item can’t be salvaged”, and I’m like “what item are you talking about?” :stuck_out_tongue: