Wild Heart Hunger & Affixes

I first want to bring to the Devs attention that Wild Heart Hunger has the following Affixes:

  • Movement Speed
    + Critical Strike Damage
    + Overpower Damage
    +Damage Reduction

I put the two affixes I’m addressing in bold above; Critical Strike Damage and Overpower. Why? Well, because it is literally impossible to stack both of these in the games current iteration. Overpower and Critical Strike Damage compete for the same Affix Slot on ALL pieces of gear, including Tempering (Rogue Crit Damage + Earth OP & Bear OP are all in the Offensive category)

Why does this matter? Because there are a few things not in the game that are very obviously geared toward a Werebear / Werewolf build; Quickshift, Bestial Rampage, and now these new Unique boots, Wild Heart Hunger. Yet there is always something in the way. Now, it’s even the affixes themselves that are blocking the build idea, an idea that clearly the devs are pushing toward but keep overlooking the issues.

Bear skills are designed to Overpower, Werewolf skills are designed to Critically Strike. This isn’t even outdated info, as the latest thing in game (Tempering) continues to double down on these themes.

But you can’t actually stack these two stats together, causing these boots to be the ONLY source on your character that will have both Critical Strike Damage & Overpower. i don’t think I need to explain why that is a pretty big issue for the Druid in terms of this specific Unique item and this specific build… a build that just keep falling short of getting started.

Everything in regards to making a Bear/wolf viable is ALMOST there… until it contradicts itself somewhere along the way. I’m just wanting to point out one of the major, fundamental contradictions currently, especially in regards to the latest “guiding light” down this long road to a build that just can’t seem to get off the ground; Wild Heart Hunger.

Please… PLEASE, look into things like this, and all the other posts that talk about Bestial Rampage/Wild Heart Hunger/Werewolf+Werebear Builds/etc. You’re almost there, Blizzard.


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You found the one it doesnt!

The main issue with wild hearts isnt even the conflicting affixs its more of how long it takes to proc up. Takes like a whole minute and the faster your attack speed the worse it gets. If anything they should address that first then the conflicting affixs.

I would argue the biggest issue with Wildheart is without a doubt the 5 second timer for stacks to fall off. Not only is it so low as to make me not use it because shifting that often away from doing damage but it conflicts with the ALREADY conflicting timers for various other shape shifting buffs in our skill tree (3, 6, 8 second timers off top of my head). This issue on top of the ones mentioned above is just bad design, period.

Honestly the biggest issue with those boots for me is lack of spirit per second. More Druid uniques need it I swear.

It has a short timer because it’s meant to buff a build that can’t exist in the game due to the reasons I state in my OP and more. It is meant to be played as a Werewolf and Werebear build that is constantly shifting between them, the buff duration on all of them doesn’t matter if the rest of the build can freely shift without having to be in one form or the other for any specific period of time.

That being said, I’m not saying I like the buff duration, I’m just saying that I think they put it there to try and make it ONLY USEFUL TO THAT SPECIFIC PLAY STYLE so that other builds can’t “abuse it”. But… the rest of how things work doesn’t let that happen either… so… dead build and dead item.