Why on earth is there a never ending Queue to log in? Not only that the time is increasing?

No. Logged in, queued, 25 mins remaining.

Sat 10 minutes, then 29 mins remaining.

I played ftom early access and I’ve never been in queue. Don’t you use vpn software or something like that?

Tried to scan and fix the game… no luck.
Updated my Graphic card (tried it, because you never now) no luck there either.

Think this problem is with the game servers, than anything else, due to some people here being able to connect with no problem

Could also be a DDOS attack perhaps ? just speculation

Just curious, are you on console?

Judging by some of the other comments in here multiple people are able to login without any queue, me included. At least for PC I haven’t seen a single queue even during the pre-release except for a minor 2 minute queue yesterday (6/5) on full release.

I’m on PC and yeah this is the first issue I’ve had since friday.

I face the same problem in Germany. Since 40 minutes I see the message “~35 minutes remaining”. I play on PC.

Could this be a return of the “stuck account” bug from beta… I’ll try logging into the game from another computer and see if it frees it up.

What region? Personally I am on the west coast in California but I wasnt asked to pick a region. I assume it automatically chooses the closest servers for my area.

If maximum clients are on a per-region basis it could just have to do with server capacities for where you live.

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There seems to be a problem. Blizzard is working on it. Below the post.

Just got off work and logged in in less than a minute. Not bragging. Maybe it’s regional?

I admit before hand I’m probably wrong, but I think maybe it has to do with were you live? The servers are in the west coast and I live only 2 states away from California and at no point have I waited longer then 5 minutes to get in. In fact I think my longest queue was 3 minutes

I don’t really know networking I thought that lag only hurts the client, but if someone who is far away also hurts the host it would make sense sort of why they put you in a queue.

Another thing it might be is region population. Maybe there are servers everyone but the east coast has waaay more people so that’s slowing you down?

Additionally they replied just under half an hour ago that they’re still working on it and have no ETA on a fix just yet:

Made new characters, it works fine.

But my main character that got disconnected while in dungeon for new patch update, I waited for 18 hrs, still can’t.
Whenever I press start game, it tries to load but eventually back to character choose screen automatically. Only happens to my disconnected main character.

Some candy boys saying it is a flawless launch for D4. Yes, it is indeed flawless to be unplayable at certain point.

Not even an error code indication at this time.

The gameplay wise, it is amazing so far. Started 2 days ago after work, I spent several hrs and already made 50’s, got some uniques, and had fun in Nightmare until this happened.


Hey fellas i’m also in the que it says queued for game start game pending but it ain’t letting me in

Yeah me too.
I am so tired of being tired with Blizzard games.

Why is it so clunky? Why is it a gamble to see if it will work everytime I play?

Why is Euro servers always last priority?

Well I know why they want the game to be always online so they can pester us with the shop no matter how annoying it is to always have lag, log in issues, other people running around the area and so on.

Give us an offline mode and this game would be decent. (Even if monster population is very samey everywhere I go. )

Same, I can’t seem to logon. Im just stuck at 1 minute left

This is an old thread, the current log in issues are related to an ongoing DDOS attack.

There appear to be two queues. The one you get with the countdown to get the character screen and then a second queue when you press play. The second one has ‘Queued for game - start game pending’ as message, with no feedback.

We get two queues for the price of one.

It’s a new game feature, now you have RNG to access the game too

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I can see, MS is insanely high sometimes. Barely playable