I did 3 helltides after patch and they really reduced the cylinder drops. Also found a chest of Mysteries for 250…
Why did they Nerf Helltide so bad? Did they up the chance of ultra rare uniques drops or what?
I mean to farm helltide for legendarys that are pretty much useless at lvl 80+ since you already got good rolls on the aspects you want… What does it matter if you can open like 7 chests in an hour vs 2-3 now… Loot is pretty useless anyway so why the hell did they change it? To nerf Souls so players cant reroll the uninspired items they get?
Helltide was the only thing (and worldbosses thats like a 1 min fight every week) that was ok to do when I dont group with my friend now its just not worth it anymore.
So now I will only bother to log in to group with my friends, single player gaming in D4 really suck imho.
This was a completely unessecary nerf and I hope they roll it back… Maybe if we all do a Helltide strike…
Well I guess Starfield will release soon anyway. D4 was fun to lvl 50-60 with the story and all but after that it felt more like an excel grind due to completely uninspired itemization. I guess its good for “easy” balancing but the gameplay fun of finding almost identical weapon you have but with 1% more crit is pretty meh imho.
Helltide was fun. I liked rush to get 175 to open mistery chest before reroll and rush again for the 2nd chest. A lot of time failed or died in the rush, but fun.
Now I will farm 250 for the double of the time open the chest and leave the event… The other chests are totally useless, I never got nothing from them, 95% of time only a rare item.
The devs really don’t understand anything in this game. They see where they failed (e.g. whispers are <<<<< than D3 bounties and totally useless), so they nerfed ehlltide and “substantially” (it means 0.5% in their mind) increased xf from whispers. But the problem is that whispers are boring and chest from tree useless and totally urewarding.
The result? I will play only half heltide and maybe some ND, but they nerfed also them…
With the current drop rate and 250, 1 hours to open 1 chest and get 4 junk legendary.
yes the game should be HARDDDD.
Go play to pokemon.
I only did the Tree once for the quest and thought it was boring, thats why I did Helltide instead. So instead of fun up the boring stuff they nerf the stuff players enjoy to make them equally boring…
My sorc build doesnt seem so affected by the nerfs but on the other hand im not min maxes and my equipment kind of suck so I dunno. Unless its their intention players should be able to solo lvl 100 NM dungeons I can see they bring those builds down a notch, I dunno… I mean who really cares if someone else can solo some pve content… I can understand they want to balance PvP though but these nerfs seem to be most pve.
LVl 50-100 is quite the grind in this game and quite boring too to be honest. Now with Helltide nerfed it will be even boringer… (yes I know its “more boring” but thats no fun…kind of like the game now).
This is the one change I think they should of done. The helltides were way too easy and just a total mindless lootfest. I also hate the legion events. Total trash gameplay.
Changing the stats on items was the worst idea ever though…
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Helltides is what most are playing for end game after reaching 100 and to take a break from NMD. It was fun and despite the drops being sh*tty 99.99% of the time, it gave a slim glimmer of hope for us to keep playing for loot.
How that they nerfed it along with the rest of the nerf (XP, power, armor), there is no reason to play anymore. It’s tedious play and give no incentive for me to start a new char and doing the boring lvling again. No stash space.
What an absolute disaster of a patch, not s single QoL fix despite all the complaints from the users. (stash, horse, gems, mobs density, etc). I was looking for playing S1, but not anymore. The fun is gone, waiting for Baldur’s Gate 3.
This garbage dev team can’t do a hot fix or patch without introducing a bug.
I found helltide okish as a break from NMD… Some above the ground action and a race to see how many chests I could open in one session… or when its 5 min left try to collect 75 cyls for a last chest before it close… To farm 1h for mysteries to get 4 crap items… nah then I rather watch some paint dry… But thats just my oppinion… If they want everything to be a grind then so be it… Noone is forcing me to play the game
For the same reason they nerfed everything else
They have almost no content, so they wanted us to slow down the consumption of that content.
Everything in yesterday’s patch was aimed to slow down progress in S1, so that it takes longer to reach the same place you reached in Eternal realm
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I think Helltide “WAS balanced” for get some fun and cool “soft” challenge.
1 level harder is cool. I’m aggre with it. More XP and is not a big issue but…
- Ho yes… they nerf XP
- T4 is now based 75 instead of 73, so it’s not 1 level for my Sorceler 70 but 3. With less defense and less dps… wow!!!
Oki and the Mystic coffer is now 250 shard. What we get as compensation, to keep the fun to do it?
Let me guess?
- Higher max legendary? hmmm no…
- Higher min legendary? don’t think so…
- Garanted perfect aspect on one gear? Wow, that is a great idea, but no…
- Garanted 1 unique on the first coffer? Are you crazy, that is too awsome…
- Nothing?.. You’ve got it!!
The answer is the last one Ho yes, and shards drop less and they don’t even talk about it in the patch note.
So why I should do Helltide now? To get 2 or 3 crapy legendary in 1 hour. You may play hours to get 1 ‘good’ aspect and helltide WAS a good option. But now go away causual. We don’t want you in Helltide!! Any way, you don’t have enough time to loose to play this now!
Make the content harder because you don’t have soo much, it’s not a good strategy. Because you kill the content at the end. If you want the players play your content, make it attractive, not replusive. That can be hard, but at least, give us a compensation.
Like they say for the game… Welcome to hell, and in hell we don’t have fun, I guess!!