Why is there not an in-game LFG finder?

Yeah, I agree we shouldn’t add anything to the game then. Oh well maybe we can find a game that can add some more features! I will search for one since this is a wrap. :slightly_smiling_face:

Blizzard would love to add a group finder, but they also want to stay out of prison.

Shucks! We’ll have you found any other games that can be updated since this one is finished then (since we can’t add any features or anything anymore)?

You know those convience stores in the inner city with the bulletproof glass around the register? That’s where AAA game companies are right now with their games and the gamer “community”

So, do you have any suggestions for games?

Because they would rather have you auto click purchase your season pass on accident , or hopefully you buy a $20 skin from the store to support their amazing game

Female Diablo gamers file class action lawsuit against Blizzard for knowingly facilitating illegal behavior by a dangerously toxic community.

There will be something:

lol prison it is then

Personally I don’t care, I’m 320lbs my problem is that online harassment and toxic behavior stays online, I’m pretty sure I could beat up 99.999% of gamers with ease.

They stated in a post here last week that they are making one.

come at me bro

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If I’m going to beat up a gamer it’s going to be that Henry Cavill dude. I don’t like the cut of his jib… He can follow in the footsteps of christopher reeves when im done with hin.

(not serious)

Agree on all points.

Diablo 4 is Trash without Group Finder!

Diablo Immortal is pay to win mobile TRASH, and yet has Group Finder as well, and

So Diablo Immortal 100000 times more fun than No Group Finder having Diablo 4, the TRASH!

A shorter way to say this is, “I’m not a lawyer”. Your posts in this thread are a repetitive & insistent cry for help. Something about harassment complaints, a fear of the inner city, and “girl gamers”. It sounds like you’re projecting.

Also, obviously LFG is just something they haven’t gotten around to, because the game was released unfinished & they’re sorting out the code (while pushing out content for us to test). This doesn’t require a leap of logic, unlike your contorted & logic-bereft cri de coeur.

Action rpgs are meant to be solo games for the most part.


blizzard have added recently AI BOTS that follow you in dungeons, so you no need to deal with people

in an MMORPG game WoW

league of legends deleted their forums

what do you think, we ask them to give party finder since 1 year

pez radar said something we gonna get soon some community features but i gave up hope lol

Zero backup instrumentalists* & backup singers. :heart_on_fire:

(Edit: ofc, he did his own.)


Please try to grow the hell up!

Just because you don’t like something don’t mean every one else does not.

My clan hasn’t filled up yet and we have a large group of active and helpful folx. It’s called Eternal Pontificate and you’re welcome to seek us out.

The way I started recruiting people is probably also your best bet for finding a guild/clan. The trade channel in chat is server wide, if you post in there that you’re looking for a clan the I’m certain you’ll get some invites.

I’m not particularly a fan of guild finders, but the game has a mechanism in place currently you can use.

Cheers M8!